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There are steps that are needed for anyone wanting to access information that they normally would not need to access.  These steps are there to insure individuals privacy.  FERPA is there to govern the proper way to access such information. 

Employee should  be trained on proper handling of student record and what is approved for either viewing or copies.  This should be annually with changes that could occur

FERPA training is very important for all employees.  Protecting student and institution privacy needs to be taken seriously and monitored all the time.

As I was reading this section, I couldn't help but think about HIPPA. Very similar concepts.

After a student is deceased, PERPA rules do not apply, and anyone can access that student's record.

FERPA provides privacy and record access rights to students. These rights and protection stop after the student dies.

I learned the extent to which FERPA is applicable. For instance, alumni do not always have the same protections under FERPA as they did when they were actively enrolled. This is also the case for those who are deceased as mentioned when the lesson poses the question of releasing information of a former president. Students also have important information that they have to understand regarding adding statements to something they believe is false.  

I take into the consideration that some states have laws designed to provide the public open access and transparency to certain governmental records. In circumstances where a student’s educational record includes information contained in a record deemed as “public.” There can be a conflict between an institution’s FERPA policy and the state’s mandate to make such information available.

it was interesting to learn about how FERPA changes upon leaving (ie: graduation) the institution

FERPA has guidlines for student records while they are an active students at the school and after graduation. The students have the right to access thier records and review them for accuracy. They can add notes or comments if they do not agree with what is in the record. 

During this section it was made clear all of the various rules and regulations meant to protect students personal information regarding FERPA. It also made it clear the importance of not only training new employees in FERPA but also reviewing the laws periodically with more tenured employees in order to maintain proper standard of privacy, consistently. 


Aleays know FERPA policy prior to disclosing information 


There are many rules and regulatons to FERPA. A new employee should be oriented to these new rules when first employed. A complete background check background check should be done prior to hiring the individual.

privacy is key

FERPA has many aspects that protects former students, alumni and deceased students. New hire and continuous employee training is neccessary to ensure students are protected. Additionally, a student who is employed by an educational institute does not have full access to their own student records. 

I learned that a student can dispute a grade and add their statement of disagreement so although the grade stands, the student's comment will be included when the grade is released.

Ferpa covers students even after graduation.  Students that are employed should not have access to there grades, they should go through  the proper channel for access.    


It is important to make sure that the staff that you hire are not only shown how to practice correct sercurity protocols, but are encouraged to do so.


Following all the recommendations of Ferpa, as an institution we can give the best of our services

It is so vital that we are familiar with FERPA and the many guidelines.  FERPA is more than at system to protect students' privacy, it also is important to protect their rights to access their records.  Noted!

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