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Introduction to Solution-Focused Coaching | Origin: CS129

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Solution-Focused Coaching for Career Support Professionals --> Introduction to Solution-Focused Coaching

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Using solution focused coaching moves the conversation to the employees thoughts to their skills and strengths. The employee takes the ownership on any changes that they envision for their future.

I've learned the definition and how solution-focused coaching empowers the learner. Language and positive thinking  can be a motivator to encourage the learner to seek way to build upon their own skills and talents. 

I have learned from this module how to provide frame work that can help fix and strengthen clients' goals. This module has taught me how to ask questions that will target the most important questions when dealing with clients. Also, encouraging self-reflection will help clients impart what they have learned even from their previous experiences in their other jobs and help to fix the problem so that the client can move toward their goals . 

Creating empowered and trusting relationship with the Coachee is foundational.  Creating the safe space for them to see possibilities and prioritize action, while helping them leverage their strengths.

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