Student retention
Everything in this class was right on target with what I try to accomplish. I work for a large school with small classes but I know all the staff in each department. we work will together to meet our schools goals and provide a positive learning experience for our students
In the school where I work we work as teams to help retention. Sometimes stepping in where another instructor and student are not seeing eye to eye on an issue. good cop bad cop kind of thing. After the issue is resolved all three involved discuss how the solution came about in order to have all parties sastisfied and comfortable with the out come.
Team work is the name of the game!
This class was very informative in retention as I am in new to teaching
Our college also has a team approach regarding retention. All faculty and adminstration combine efforts to maintain and continue retention improvement.
Retention is everyone's duty from the teaching staff all the way down to the receptionist answering the phones. Working as a team and identifying issues early makes retaining students much easier and by identifying any issue early it can be addressed and the student will feel more at ease coming to someone if future problems arise.
I experience similar team approaches where I work. Seeing the early signs of missed hours or assignments aids in having a conversation with that student.
I agree, every team member that interacts with a student has an opportunity to effect retention in some way.