admissions process
The overall quality of the admissions process is a great start to effectuating retention.
You are correct. In fact, effective marketing/ advertising is the start to great retention. It needs to be a consistent and realistic message from start to finish.
I agree with the transition from admissions staff, orientation, and intial class to the instructors lead for a successful program where the student is constantly aware of their surrondings. They feel important!
Quality means different things to different people. If all departmetns are not on the same page there will be an ongoing series of disconnects that will filter down to the students
You are right....quality is different for everyone and perception is their reality. It is very important for the institution to be consistent.
I have found that this is a big part of why some students decide to either leave or give up. It is a fine line between keeping the school alive and in business.
I agree with you Susan. You need effective marketing and advertising to get the ball rolling!
This is so true, there has to be a great line of communication and a great relationship between admissions and the other depts in the school, they all have to lean on each other for support, we have had info meetings with our admissions depts at our college and its made a world of difference, because its easy for admissions to be left out of the loop when updates are applied through out the programs and they are left out and then when they intro the programs or degrees can be misinformed...we have a very info eager team here, they are great
Marketing and effective advertising is the best way to get new student enrolled and to keep the ball rolling, as Sally said, but consistency from the institution and a good reputation is also key. Students will be more receptive if they hear wonderful things about a campus from friends and the referrals are also a positive message to friends and family of the institution's dedication to students success.