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personalize things as much as possible an appropriate. tell students your background and what you love about teaching. learn student names quickly. everyone responds well when addressed by name in a casual way, not just read off of a roster.

Human beings form a "First Impression" in 2 to 5 seconds. How can you make a better first impression with your students?

Practice: although when I make a first impression it is genuine, it has some practice in it. People get nervous and you never know what might come out of the mouth, so for me it is important to practice.

I come early in the classroom on the very first day of a new term. I great and smileat each one that comes in. Make the nerve wrecking first day a fun one, getting each one to introduce themselves, lastly, I introduce myself and put some humor in it as I go to my experiences as a nurse and an educator.

These are all good strategies, Dennis. Thank you for sharing them.

Jeffrey Schillinger


This is a good way to greet students every day. We like to stress that the opening activities and closing activities are as important as the "lesson" in student retention and learning.

Jeffrey Schillinger

Maria Luisa,

Thanks for this post. These are great things to do before every class meeting. All should be special.

Jeffrey Schillinger

A brief introduction of myself mentioning why I wanted to become an instructor, what it took me to get there and that every day I teach my students new concepts and see how they apply them later, makes me feel very, very much satisfied with what I chose for as a career . Last, I tell them that I was in their seat once so it's always my goal that every student becomes a better person as a whole. I believe this simple approach lets them know I care for them as individuals with a high potential.


You are describing what some folks reference as positioning oneself as a "similar other" that has has been where students are and has demonstrated what that success is possible.

Jeffrey Schillinger

In order to make a great first impression, I think it is important to reach out to my students during the "perspective student" interview process and during the first week of school. Through this process, they get to know me, I get to them and I am constantly reaching out to them; offering my assistance and showing them that I am watching out for them as they start taking their first steps through a potentially uncomfortable and unfamiliar process in an unfamiliar environment.

I basically do the same greeting the student before class starts is much more welcoming than just calling roll. I believe setting the pace of class expectations clarifies a purpose as well as sets structure for the student

I firmly believe in maintaining eye contact and smiling. Whomever you are speaking with will now you are really listening to them and value what they have to say.


It is important to start off every class meeting with something interesting to make a new first impression each day you are with students.

Jeffrey Schillinger

Lead by example! Students coming in to a career school look up to the instructors and it's upon us to set the standard and be role models.

A simple hello, hand shake and introduction can provide the students with a lot of information about yourself. A strong handshake shows confidence, eye contact and verbally acknowledging their presences shows that you are interested in them.


Well said. The simple things are often the most effective.

Jeffrey Schillinger

A first impression can be made by a smile, body language, non verbal and verbal communication. Appearance, students like to know that their instructors are prepared physically and mentally. Materials related to the class as well as with the tone of voice.

As I thought about this question I wondered what causes me to react positively to others when I first meet them. Friendliness, communicated by saying hello with a smile and eye contact makes me react to somebody else in a positive manner. An upbeat tone of voice is also helpful. I attempt to use these same techniques when trying to form a positive first impression with my students.


Consider starting every class perod tinking anbout this and your students will always get your best.

Jeffrey Schillinger

It is said that when you go for a job interview, 90% of the interview is over the first few seconds you walk into the room. The interview committee has already developed a first impression by your dress or appearance, demeanor, and how you carry yourself. When you meet students for the first time whether at orientation or in the classroom, they are the interview committee. They are sizing you up and developing an idea what kind of instructor you are going to be. If you don't greet the students and just start in taking attendance, they know they are in trouble and maybe you as the instructor may not be approachable.

making a better first impression can be achieved with following the principles of professionalism. I think of professionalism as a self esteem topic and take pride in your appearance as well as establishing of expectations for behavior. Being friendly and open yet maintain professionalism through your appearance go a long way in setting the expectations for success to students. Remember that earlier the course discussed the Mentorship and this align with that principle.

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