The Importance of Goals
Goals are something that everybody needs to set, not only in the business world but in life. With out goals we loose faith, we get depressed, we set life to the side. Once you have set your goals, made your plans, you now need to strive for them no matter who is trying to stop you with their negativity.Students can be turned around if they see you, hear you and watch you reach for your goals, this is motivation for even the most negative of people. Don't wait for 11 others to come to help you, change 11 people to be positive and help them achieve their goals. This will spread like wild fire in the ranks of our students and our instructors, but you have to be willing to try. It is too easy to give up and not have goals, life is not easy, so make it the best life you can and make your goals and those of others come true.
Great response!
Goals also give us energy and drive. They are truly "energy producers."
without goals you have no road map to your life you will just wander through life making wrong turns wondering why other seem to have it so easy and are focused while you feel you never get any breaks that other do this is also inmortant to convey to your students so they have a path to lead them to success
Goals are a way for us to have something to work towards and to challenge ourselves. Without goals, it would be very easy to slip into a more negative or sarcastic state of mind and that is not healthy. To take on challenges and achieve them is very gratifying but without an occasional failure the achievements don’t mean anything. We should learn from goals that are not meant and try again. We are all capable of doing more it’s just far more easy to do less.
There is a common goal everyone needs to be involved to help achieve
I totally agree! Without goals how will we know that we are succeeding or failing? Whenever I set my mind on something, I keep the focus until I achieve my goal. Without a goal, I would just sit and do nothing.
goals are important for the student and keeping them small to be able to acomplish them is also key. so that they can build on even small successes that they acomplish.
Goals are energy producers. As human beings, we need goals to give us energy. The greater the goals, the more the energy.
Goals are something that everybody needs to set, not only in the business world but in life.
Setting the long and short term goals and making them achieveable is the only way.
Long term goals are very important for our students, but you are correct in saying it is important in creating short term goals so they can see they are achievable.
You can help students to set their educational goals, and you can help them to achieve these goals by constant encouragement and support.
Goals are critical milestones that help ensure we remain on our desired paths to success. But having said that, goals much be valid and obtainable, bringing value for the efforts required.
thats true, its like a road map developing motovating yourself
Without a doubt we all need goals and they are energy producers that give us motivation in life. Some people however get ahead of themselves and come up with goals completely out of their reach. I'm not saying to aim high, but keep your goals realistic...especially when dealing with students.