Having the right people in the right roles can help identify students who are at risk of dropping or struggles so the appropriate intervention strategies can be put into place.
There is a lot of information covered during orientation and some of it is never revisited. I think there should be time set aside for members of faculty to come by the classrooms regularly to say hi and remind them what they can help the students with.
In this section I've learned that retention includes many things. One of those includes how well an institution engages with their students. It is important to identify and act on signs that lead to students withdrawing. It is understandable that not every student enrolled will graduate, but how do you identify a pattern and widely address it?
There are necessary as well as unnecessary causes of attrition. We need to focus on both causes. To assist students in navigating the unforeseen circumstances such as illness, family issues, etc as well as taking a preventative measure for the unnecessary causes. Even though faculty are the front line, everyone at the institution is responsible for retention.
Retention is the byproduct of doing the right thing and having the right people in the right place at the right time...Such emphasis on the importsnce falculty plays in promoting retention.
Retention means different things for different people involved in the educational process. To me, as the educator, I want my students to continue to grow and stay engaged and remain successful in the program. As the educator, it is my job to be thorough and helpful to help them stay on track.
I've learned it is important to do the right things, the right way, right place and right time. Timng is everything and when students are making decisions that wil impact their lives, they want to make sure they are selecting a College that will help them aachieve their goals.Students want a clear understanding of how the classes will work and build on each other. They want to see how the classes will help them and feel respected throuh each step along the way. Everyone on campus is responsible in some way for retention and contrivutes to the campus success.
I strongly agree that retention is everyone's job. But educational institutions have a challenge with faculty and training on this issue. Yes the administration has an impact on the process, but we need adequate input from the academy to address student situations.
Keeping in touch with our students and being aavailable to them to hear any and all concerns.
I have learned that one department can't do it all. All departments need to have the same urgency and invest in student success.
The modue was a good refresher for me. In my experiecnce in higher education these past 13 years is the early intervention is key to a student success. It is important to let students know that you are there to help them be success and their studies. This is the job of the entire university.
Retention crosses all departments within a school. Proactive services that are well outlined for students can assist with engagement. Unique, specific, and transparent data may help identify common roadblocks.
Retention is a school-wide effort and we need to communicate where those lines of communication are open for the students.
Retention Basics
What have I learned from this module?
Retention is very important for many reasons.
- It demonstrations students’ desire to improve by gaining an education and hands on experience.
- It helps the employers with supply chain and industry growth.
- It is necessary for budgetary reasons.
Retention needs to analyzed
- Retention needs to be looked at closely to determine what patterns exist
- Faculty and Staff need to take a proactive approach to retention
- Students are important and not just a number, carefully review each situation that caused a student to drop
How do I intend to apply it?
- Students to be a number one priority, so spend more time focusing on the student’s needs.
- Students need to be heard, listen and provide answers/solutions to questions/concerns.
Rentention takes the efforts of all campus departments.
I have learned that it is everyones responsibility to reasure the student has a sense of balance, connection and relationship with Instructors and well as Staff. We are all in this together as a TEAM to SUCCEED!
Students want to believe the school's committment to supporting their academic endeavors, and they often take the time to see what services and resources schools offer when making their choice. In addition, retention can be defined in many ways, depending on one's department but it is important to have the same message when speaking with students.
I learned that retention is not something that is something easily solved. it takes a proactive stance in order to prevent those students that can be saved from dropping while also recognizing their are those you cant.
Every organization tries to keep their students, so faculty, staff etc. have to look very carefully how to deal with the problems of their students when the occur. Many things can happen, illness, family issues, falling back in homework, missing classes. The organization and the Teachers have to find a solution to solve these problems. Some can’t be fixed. Working together with the students, to figure out a way to keep them in school is important.
We as teachers need to teach the skills what are required to make them successful to pass the classes. In order to do so we can’t be harsh nor mean, we have to create a good class environment and a good teaching strategy. Good communication with our students is a must when the problems occur.
Everyone at the school from the receptionist to the admissions to the instructors and even the janitorial staff has a role in helping maintain student retention. I have been in many work situations where folks indicate that "is not their job," but retention is everyone's job. As a student services representative, it is disconcerting when we lose students based on the fact that they felt they were not listened to and that their concerns were not addressed. It seems that communication breaks down and questions are not asked to find out what the issue is as to why students are not succeeding. Case in point, a student reached out saying that they could not get into their student portal and when the IT kept addressing the issue via email, the student was not able to get what they needed. The case of the matter is that the student did not mean portal, but meant LMS. Once the phone call was made, the issue was resolved and the student was able to get what they needed. But it took several attempts on the part of numerous people to see what she actually needed. Unfortunately by this time the student was already behind and ready to quit. Better training is in place to avoid these issues, but it boils down to communicating directly with the student and asking questions.