How do I earn the respect of my students?
Lynnette Baker View Profile
Paul Billeter
This is a perfect example of how to connect and build your community of learners.
paul nash
Thank you for sharing. Being consistent is key to the students feeling comfortable with their instructor
Carla Page Campbell
Being transparent, upfront and honest will always win the respect of your students. They may not like what you say but they can trust what you say.
Debra Kelly
Consistency is key with all she said in the video. What you allow persists; where you put your focus is where you get your results.
Maddy Terhaar
Connecting with your students is so important
Judith Kluth
Thank you. Consistency is the key and can be very difficult to achieve, however, we need to keep striving to be so.
Heather  Roussere
Students respond positively when they feel like you care about their success rather than looking at them as just another number.
Brian Willia
Right on! Show you truly care for their success and are willing to go that extra mile if they need.
Michael John
Thanks, Ms. Baker. Everything you said makes sense. I actually do perform a lot of what you said, but thanks for reminding me why.
Shawn Witmer
Clear expections are huge. Most students desire structure and when they see you have expectations and stick to them they gain a respect for you as well as you gain their respect and trust.
Kellyanne Michael
Thank you for sharing those great tips, Lynnette. I agree that being welcoming is very important. I can remember being a college student years ago and having some instructors that were not always welcoming and that can be intimidating for a student.
Tim Dettwiller
Great tips Lynette. Students pick up quickly on favoritism even if not intended.
Kimberly White
Thank you, Lynnette Baker, all your tips helped me gain the respect of the students, especially the one about sending time with the students. I also make it my mission to say each student name correctly even if I need to practice over and over again.
Shamroz Khan Masjidi
Thank you, Ms. Baker. I agree, communication expectations clearly, and sticking to them help tremendously with earning respect from students. Also, the fair and equal treatment of student is an important issue.
Manana Bebnadze
Thank you.
Mary Jo Wentzel
"Be welcoming." "Give expectations in a positive light." "Be consistent." "Personal conversations throughout the year to show you care." Great tips.
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