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I like the idea of colored handouts, handing out observation sheets to students on field trips and providing more detail information to guest speakers on what you would like your students to get out of the presentation. 


Being an instructor is not for everyone. Doing a self-assessment with a personality test can give you a better idea of your personality to determine if this job is for you. If you are not excited about the job, it might be a better idea to find a better position that does not affect the development of other members.


Bring ready, prepared, and not giving a first bad impression. 


Organization, presentation and confidence are key to succeed.

Being prepared a day before makes things run smooth and no tension is building up with in yourself on the day of class. The students are aware when an instructor is not ready and trying to prepare to lecture or doing a project.

Under standing my personality type and teaching style.

It really helped me learnwhat style of instructor i wil be.


Understanding what teaching style I have and the importance of being prepared for class and being organized. I always relate to my real life experiences when I am lecturing. Students enjoy my stories and relates to our lecture.


Understanding ones personality and how it reflects on your teaching skills is paramount. Use positive behavior habitually yet be reflective of change when needed. Taking daily classroom notes can help with not only individual subjects but can also individualize your approach with students. Being prepared, on time and consistent sets the stage for a good classroom enviroment not only building confidence and respect but also maintains productivity and harmony in the classroom. Don't take oneself to seriously, humor can be an excellent segway. Know your peers and administration on the campus. Causual callboration with co-workers can cause self improvement, better styles and understanding. Look at things from the students perspective.

Seeing myself as my students do will aid me in my instruction techniques.


always Beng prepared and coming to class with materials and letting the students know what I am about to teach ahead of time is the best way to help them out 

Coming to class organized and ready to teach. Also, being aware of non-verbal cues coming from the students. This will help assess which students are confused with, or uncertain of, the subject matter.


I learned from this module utilizing different color handouts that could cordinate with the syllabus.


Being more attentive to observation of the atmosphere of the room and students.


It helped me better evaluate students on ho everyone has  different ways of learning and how to prepare for them and teach them the best way possible for them to be able to learn.

Being prepared in all ways in the classroom 


This program is as good as the class managment that is conducted in the students learning areas style and learning to read  students and questions they might have since you have to make it easy for them to identify main ideas and key details.;



if you are ready for class they will be ready for class. 


I set up my class with at least 15 minutes before so I am ready to greet my students at the door and get right into the lesson of the day


I have learned to be prepared.  Students are very observational.  they can see wht type of instructor you are if you are not prepared.


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