Having a clear understanding that the students understand about the polocies in place and follow them.
We need to review what grading policy is in place and when students are failing have a meeting with them. Student meetings are important to remind them the grading policy needs to followed and the consequences of actions.
This is something that I do in my class, my student know what they are missing and what their grade is always.
By offering a wide variety of ways to earn points in your course, you are giving your students different ways to show you how much they have learned. Also, the more opportunities to earn points there are, the more ways there are for students to balance their different abilities at test taking and assignment completion. It will give them the confidence to know that they have the flexablility to adjust.
That giving a zero on a test rather than sitting down with the student and asking why they got the zero, and then giving them a chance to retest or do extra credit could be more beneficial.
Many different factors come into play when considering an evaluation system. Use the systems that work best and try not to create a grading "gray" area.
I call them my pet peevs, i let students know what i want and well be accepted.
Keeping student grades current is vital not just for the student learning experience but also for the instrucgtor. Knowing exactly where students are at any given time is important with a three week cirriculumn. Staying on-top of students who are falling behind early in the mod is imporant so you can get them back on track.
Always make sure the students know your policies or where to find them.
Having clear policies regading asignment, test and quiz grades and updating grade book daily
i liked the reading on extra credit. I think that it's a struggle for me to keep the fast learners busy and let the slower ones catch up.
Being clear with grading policy fromt he beigning is very helpful
Reviewing and printing of policies on the syllabus to make sure all are on the same page
I loved the suggestion of having an extra credit question on the test, "Tell me something you learned that wasn't covered on this test." - Great way of gaining insights regarding what your students have learned / think is important. Also - I disagree with the concept of discussing every missed assignment with every student & then deciding consequences on a case-by-case basis. I have found that all this does is reward the student with the biggest sob story (true or otherwise) and penalize the student who is unwilling to make elaborate excuses (whether they exist or not). Instead, I have a zero late work, unlimited redo policy -- Any work turned in late is an automatic zero with no option to do it over. All other work can be redone as many times as needed to earn the desired score. Originally, I worried that this policy would result in tons of unnecessary grading but that has not proven to be the case (and I'm in Year 3 of teaching). I'll stick to my policy, thanks.
I typically refer the students to the syllabus regarding the policy on late or missing assignments so that there are no misunderstandings.
Having worked with students for more than 10 years I can definitely agree that prompt grading is very important to them!
Clear and easily understandable policy for grading and x tra credit assignments.
Clear policies are important to provide fairness.