I include diverse types of questions and organize the quizzes or tests in blocks. It helps the students orient themsleves better thoughout the process. They know that the degree of the sophistication and comprihension increases as they move to the end.
I really enjoy having my students working and creating projects or scerinos.
Measuring students levels of learning, I like multiple choice questions and Fill in the blanks. I learned the importance of the stem and the alternative when formulating good questions for your students.
Learned different methods in testing students knowledge . I am a fan of multiple choice and true and false
In our medical class we take different practice practice exams. The exams are taken through out the course to see if they are able to make good nursing judgement to pass the State exam .
Essay questions can be written so as to focus on a specific principle or circumstance. I have to argee with this statement.
When evaluating students mastery of content, I ask open ended questions to allow students to provide me as much information as possible. This allows me to guide them into the desired information.
Multiple choice is reliable if constructed well
Fill in the blank is a good method.
I learned how to measure student mastery.
During our Adobe Certification testing the students are a multiple choice test portion and a skills portion of the test. I think this gives students a chance to express their skills in both ways of testing.
I primarily use multiple-choice questions that are very carefully worded.
Automotive technology tests are designed after the ASE certification exams. True/false and multiple choice questions, with a Tech A/Tech B states approach. Students have to decide which statements from two different Tech's are correct. This form of testing prepares them for the certification exams.
This module explained how to properly assess student's knowledge by using a variety of methods such as true/false and matching.
Post True/False questions as positives. Instead of saying "did not win" say "won".
Different style questions are needed to see mastery of lessons. Wording of the questions can make the question easier or harder to answer. Some questions that are not thought out can be answered by simply using prior knowledge and not what was taught in a lesson.
I don't remember doing analogies in school so when I took the Millers Analogy test I was not prepared.
I prefer fill-in-the-blank questions over multiple choice. I've found they increase student knowledge retention instead of having a 25% chance at guessing the correct answer and walk away learning less.
In this section I was able to understand how to develop questions in a way that will promote reliable outcomes of the students.
In my trade I prefer a hands-on testing as well as a paper test using true/false and multiple choice questions to get them to think. I avoid essay questions because not all of my students have the best vocabulary.
True and false questions don't often have a place in mathematics as I need to see their process.