Brain-Based Teaching | Origin: ED208
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Adult Learning Theories --> Brain-Based Teaching
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In order to engage students of different/a variety of learning styles, I will use activities/assignments that in incorporate these different learning styles. I definetly plan on adding an assignment that allows students to collaborate with one another to design or develop a learning game or strategy for learning difficult information.
Consider using a variety of teaching techniques and tools in order to attract all students and challenge their entire intelligence!
By using a variety of activities and assignments you help the learner understand the material better because each learner uses different sections of there brain at different levels of strengths.
I definitely agree with Howard Gardner to consider using a variety of techniques and tools in the classroom in order to get a full participation of the students. Like for example, group activites
Quadrant learning was interesting to look at and emphasized that students need different approaches- Holistic and visual in particular can be difficult to stimulate learning- but by making a game of something to review may engage the playful qualities of that quadrant.
All of the brain-based theories indicate the need to provide a variety of educational experiences to successfully teach because everyone learns differently. I was familiar with the theory of dual psychology and Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, however, I found the whole-brain concept to be interesting, especially the importance of tapping into quadrant D by using games and creativity during the learning process.
Although the theories presented here continue to diversify and grow in exponation of how learning is applied. There are all describing just a few simple methods of learning, those that are hands on, those that are didactic, and those that are visual learners. While there are multiple methods of absorbing information, it is necesary for the presenter of the material to be able to identify the method of information absorbsion from the learner. In this way the educator can change or modify the method of teaching costumized towards the learner method of learning.
I intend to apply using a variety of methods to teach in the classroom to engage the variety of learners and learning styles. We are teaching a complex topic in a new online way and I think additional tutoring will be necessary for remedial learners - I am designing a self guided tutorial system to engage those who need extra help in games and interactive review. (this is all in my mind, I haven't built it yet ...)
Using a variety of teaching techniques will help in the classroom settings. Break out sessions or group activities are great ways to have the students interact with one another.
Learning about the quadrants was interesting and informative. I experience students that rely quite a bit on quadrants A and C, but rarely B and D. I look forward to working with them in the future, and employing educational games to appeal to quadrant D learners.
I have always tried to work wiht the idea that students have differtn learning styles. I incorporate material that addresses as many of the differnt styles as I can, althought it can be challeging to include kinestetic material at times.
I found the quadrants pretty interesting since I had never heard of them before. I am more familiar with the seven separate categories of intelligence and when creating a curriculum I try to include as many categories as I can, My goal is to always try to reach all styles of learners.
This area discussed many different view points on how the brain functions in a theory vs hands on application.
Each student should be approached, and approach their own learning, from the perspective of a learing style that best fits them. The challenge to educators is including all approaches in the curriculum. Another challenge is the frustration that some students feel when their approach isn't used predominantly. Sometimes I find they need to be reminded that instructors need to cater to many learning styles, not just one. It's difficult!
There are very many types of learners as explainedby the several scholars and that it is important to incorporate different styles of learning so as to reach the variety of the students we have.
The 3 brain-based teaching theories mentioned basically point to us that there are different areas in the brain for different tasks and people are varied when it comes to which part of their brain appeal to their learning the most - bottom line - have a variety of teaching techniques.
These teaching theories are very interesting to me. The duality makes sense to me because it is important to know that some individuals are "right-minded" and "left-minded". Catering to this would be beneficial when teaching. I believe that using games in the classroom is beneficial when the audience is interested in them. I have come across adult patients in the hospital who wasn't interested in playing games when learning about new skills.
I've come to belive that multiple parts of the brain can be exersized simultaniusly, resulting in a better state of focus. A consept can be retained in part A of the brain while being renforced by part D which controls space.
Different learning styles require different teaching styles...
This is not always an easy task.