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Ways to Promote Student Empowerment | Origin: ED144

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Student Empowerment for Learning Success --> Ways to Promote Student Empowerment

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very informative

This reinforces the importance of using tools such as Kahoot quizzes, Picmonics, etc. as a review at the beginning of class. 

good stuff.  I will encourage in the course.

I'm really well oriented of new technology but , yes sometimes i asked my students help with the computer which as said, it helps students empowerment in helping others

This module delivered plenty of information-- building on student self-belief, making connections to previous life experiences & course content, and focusing on student expectations-- all important factors in capitalizing on students' strengths; which can result in a significant return of their investment. 

Generally, I've been a naysayer with respect to students using technology while in class. But those days are coming to an end. Once adopted, it will be hard to stop and there will be many apps developed to change the nature of the class in the coming years. I wish it had happened sooner in many ways.

Giving students a say in how they learn shows them that you are willing to be flexible by empowering students to make decisions about their education.

Managing student realistic expectations and showing respect will encourage and bring students up to meet the course passing.

students need to believe that they are taking courses that will help them achieve their career goals

Allow students to share their life experiences as their stepping stones to more learning.

Learning leaders need to be student-centered in all aspects of their instructional planning. It is important that they continue their own professional development so they can learn about and use the latest strategies and technology to deliver their content. 

I learned that students need to participate in the classroom as an active learner rather than a passive learner to increase knowledge 

Very informative. Great tips for use in course.


This is very informative.  At times I've had students show me something new on the computer or even on the phone.  It gives the student some empowerment.  I teach them as they teach me.  It's a win-win.

Students are interested in using their devices to look up information. With clear and specific guidelines technology boosts the learning in the classroom and lab.

If a student is aware which learning lechnique is best for them, they should express it to the instructure. A big part of learning and turning in a successful assignment is getting clarification about instructions and recapping what has been learned.

There are great resources that can be used to interact with students in the classroom.

resources found on line with animation / interactive learning 

Incorporating technology into the course has proved to be beneficial in the  learning process. It can be used in many ways especially for my research course material . It allows student to have access to research material such as journal article and literaure reviews.  It also allows students to meet virtualy and they can work on projects  and class assignments which minimize traveling time and schedule conflict.


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