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Customer service across the board is very important since this is hard to find at any workplace. It is important to teach students when trying to find jobs once they are finished with the program.

Dependability is so important - students are often coming from chaotic situations and that certainty of the instructor's presence and the reliability of their instruction and feedback is so important to them. The instructor is a model for the types of behaviors we want our students to exhbit in the workplace.

I think all the soft skills are important, but I feel common sense is a little more important. If people would use their heads we would avoid a lot of miscommunication and conflict.

I think having a positive attitude, managing your emotions and having an ability to effectively communicate are the most important soft sills to possess. It makes life easier when it comes to dealing with others. I think that job satisfaction goes up as well when you have mastered some soft skills.

i think the most important soft skill is the dependability of an individual. If they cant show up and be reliable then you will not be able to work on any other skills. when they are present then you can work and develope them into the employee that you need them to be.

Keep in mind we are talking about in any workplace, not just teaching. So I think the most important soft skill in the workplace is managing your emotions.

A smile is a very important soft skill for me and meeting a nice smile makes you feel comfortable.

I think integrity is the most important. If you have integrity, the you will be in a good position to take care of and develop the other soft skills.

Dependability is one that most people identify.
Philip Campbell

Common sense is hard to define with what is common to each person. What is common to one is not necessarily common to another, but i think most would agree with you.
Philip Campbell

Kindness will often help to overcome many barriers that are in the classroom and workplace.
Philip Campbell

Thanks for sharing, I am sure most agree with this as well.
Philip Campbell

As illustrated in the presentation...

• Attention to detail
• Being drug free
• Conflict resolution
• Helping to enhance services
• Dependability
• Effective workplace relationships
• Integrity
• Positive attitude
• Understanding and respecting others
• Common sense

It depends on the workplace, if your a on-line instructor it is important to know the technical side. Other wise you can not help your students, soft skills but it does depend on the work place.

I feel that having a positive attitude is most important. If you come into work with a smile and a nice greeting, you will most likely receive the same back. I believe what you put out will come back to you.

I believe that one of the most important soft skills in any workplace today is "integrity." I believe if you have this, then you probably are strong in dependability, customer service, positive attitudes, conflict resolution, EQ, etc.

Empathy, walking with your students as they strive to get an education gives the message that you know what they need to learn and you know how to get them there. Your students will feel and know that you are glad to be a part of their education.

I can see how important the soft skill are to improving ones classroom success. These skill are about interpersonal influences of instructors, students (as peers) and administrators.

A positive attitude is something that will help tear down walls and build them. There is a lot you can do with a positive attitude.
Philip Campbell

There are situational instances when soft skills will be used more frequently.
Philip Campbell

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