It is important to provide feedback both in an ongoing basis as well as determined intervals; you do not want to leave things that should be addressed immediately for the end. You also want to provide positive feedback immediately as well. It is very important to evaluate based on the objectives, and to look not only at the academic side of things, but the "soft skills" of the studen intern. These skills are very important to develop in preparation for college and career.
Feedback must be ongoing, timely, objective, provided in a private environment, intended for growth and develpment of both the intern, the program, and the site.
Both parties need to be involved when it comes to the feedback off the facility and or the site where the Intership took place. This could also be done during the training program for the Internship such as weekly or monthly reports.
I liked "feedback should focus on OBJECTIVES not the person, timely and actionable and have an exit interview".
The exit interview is essential for the intern to be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses and is a good opportunity for them to ask questions in both directions, which will make future internships more successful and will allow the student to be more successful in employment.
Effective communication and feedback are extremely important. As always, feedback should be given as soon as possible and in the appropriate setting.
The supervisor should meet with the intern at set intervals to allow the intern a report of successes and areas that need improvement so the intern can refine their skills to step up to the challenges presented for the given job at hand. This will over a period of time fine tune the learned skills to the objectives laid out at the begining of the internship and make for less distractions during the process. The internship should be finalized by a written report of the internship cementing the idea that the intern gained the skills needed with great understanding to perform the expected job at hand.
"It is important to assess students’ internship experiences to make sure that defined learning objectives are being met, that students’ experiences are consistent with the program's mission, and that the expectations of on-site supervisors and future employers are being considered. This ensures that students are prepared for post-graduation employment and are capable of transitioning smoothly into the professional community."
Feedback should be objective and not personal, in the appropriate (private) setting, and timely and actionable.
I will be mindful in future to conduct exit interviews following a student's preceptorship experience.
Evaluation and Feedback should be implemented during the internship. This will allow students' to meet objectives, ask questions and get an snapshot of how they are doing.
That student feedback and supervision feedback is very important
It is important to assess students’ internship experiences to make sure that learning objectives are being met, that students’ experiences are consistent with the program's mission, and that the expectations of on-site supervisors and future employers are being considered. The goal is to facilitate the transition.
Having the intern evaluate their experience at the work place is important to create a lasting relationship with worksites to make sure all students have a sucessful experience.
Obtaining feedback related to the student learner's performance from the external internship site represenative and the designated course evaluator is neccessary. This information can help the student learner identify needs of improvement and what actions have been identified as successful. I plan to gather this information to help formulate a plan of action for future development instead of only relying on my own evaluation findings.
Validating internships are important to the student future success. Supervisors serve as preceptors and mentors to student, they should offer feedback, constructive criticism, open communication and highlight the expectations.
Practicum allows the student to experience the role in which they are training for, with supervision and independence
it is essential to evaluate the student in the internship site, to determine if objectives are being met and an overall positive approach to learning/care is being met.
Identifying intern skills in the workplace happens during an internship, and this will help them increase their skills and knowledge as they go forth in the workplace as adults.
It is important for the internship site to receive feedback, if they are doing something wrong they need to know about it in order to fix it. You can't fix what you don't know is broke. Likewise they need to know what they are doing right, what their strengths are.