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Unlimited Quizzing

I'm not sure how I feel about this... To me, it makes more sense for students to know they have to study the material to be able to pass a quiz. Not jsut keep guessing until they get a 100. I feel as though a compromise should be made. Maybe students should have multiple tries, but they should be limited, to maybe 3 or something.

Multiple attempts at Quizzes until a perfect score is achieved is a strategy some Instructors adopt when they want to ensure mastery of content. When they adopt this strategy, they do not apply the scores on these Quizzes towards th final grade.

This is probably the best way to handle it. However, I would not refer to the process as a quiz. A quiz has historically meant that you will be assessed on the work you have completed. Also, the online environment will have to be based more on application of knowledge, then the memory of knowledge. It is the only way to make sure the studente are getting anything!

Agreed, Sonia.

I believe that allowing the student to take a quiz until they gain furhter understanding is adequate in proving comperhension if another quiz is given containing a different set of questions; further reinforcing and analyzing the student's intellectual growth.

I do agree with you that students have to study the material to be able to pass a quiz. However, it seems that they are just guessing on an online quiz until they have a 100 and not actually knowing the material. Yes, I think it should be limited to 3 or less attempts.

The use of parallel versions of a Quiz, the questions of which are criterion referenced to the same learning objectives is certainly an acceptable practice to engage them in "drill-and-practice". This would require a large test item pool from which to generate parallel versions of the Quiz-----something which will take a substantial amount of time to create. Moreover, the course delivery sysytem must be capable of generating parallel versions of the Quiz using a random generator.

One cannot easily control for guessing. Properly constructed test-items accompanied by constructive and informative feedback can resolve the problem. Even if students guess, by providing feedback tailored to each response, the students will realize why incorrect answers are incorrect and whythe correct answer is correct.

Maybe one answer would be to minimize the grade weighting of the quiz component. I see it as more of a practice set given that it can be taken over and over again.

Awarding points to Quizzes would depend on the purpose of the Quiz and the competency being addressed in the learning objective. Some instructors use quizzes fo rthe sole purpose you have stated with a qualifier to students as to why it is important for them to master the course content upon the Quiz is based. For example, mastery will enable them to excel in a particular Assignment or the mid-term or the final exam. With a sound rationale for completing the Quiz, students are more likely to complete the Quiz especially when mastery could lead to gaining a higher number of points in other graded assignments or assessment measures. Under these circumstances, providing unlimited attempts at the Quiz should be allowed.

I see the reasoning for allowing students to take the quiz several times. I think by allowing multi-tries the quiz is actually serving as a study tool towards the examination, instead of using the quiz as an assessment.

Quizzes can be used as a learning tool to reinforce key concepts students must master; especially in instances when informative feedback refine to each individual option in the quiz item are provided.

The first question is what is the purpose of the quiz - to measure comprehension? Guessing until a person has 100% in a way defeats the purpose unless variations of the quiz could be offered. These variations include multiple choice, true/ false, essay, discussion. Depending on the type of quiz used would also determine the number of possible tries.

Let's assume that a Quiz that is scored by the Course Delivery Platform is used to inform students of their level of mastery of key concepts in a module. Let's assume further that the stduents are likely to guess answers; and that they are allowed multiple attempts at the Quiz. What can we do to use te quiz to promote learning within the quiz itself?

I agree that multiple versions of a quiz are important. Even if you only have 3 versions, students will know they HAVE to learn the material. Preparing 3 quiz versions should not be that difficult.

That is true, many quizzes students can try pas it as many times they want, but at the same time since many tests are open book exams the students reads the information and eventually learn from it

Do you think that "open-book" exams should be timed?

I think that open book exams should be timed. Using an open book exam generally means the book may be used to lookup items the students are not sure of. Having an unlimited time for an open book exam allows the student to answer questions without having read the book ahead of time. Learning should take place before the exam, not during the exam (generally speaking).


Your point is well taken. Learning should take place before the exam, not during the exam. On another note, I have not heard of an open book exam in which is not timed.

I agree that students should not have multiply tries at taking a quiz,it just turns into a guessing game because they know that they are allowed to take the test again. I think one time should be it that way they can study and be prepared to take a quiz than not study and know that eventually they will get the right answer to the question. Multiply tries mean mutilpy guessing.

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