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How much technology is necessary in an online course?

As an online instructor I often wonder if we can include too much technology within our online course. We want to make sure that we are including information that will enhance the students' experience, but make sure they remain focused on the learning objectives of the course. In my experience, I have seen students lose focus when I include too much animation or too many YouTube videos within my course.

Technology can be very simple at times and we can add what is needed to a class. Good point.

Shelly Crider

Very creative idea and applies simple technology.

Students do have a lot on their plate, so keeping it "simple" is wonderful for them!!

Shelly Crider

I really like the idea of the blog. KISS is the way to go for the students (and me!) to remain focused.

Good point. You must have a nice balance in your classroom or students will be confused.

Shelly Crider

Too much animation or multimedia resources create clutter, and that could turn-off the student's interest in the material that you are trying to present.

This is a great example of making something simple fun!

Shelly Crider

Remember the saying: KISS?

The more stuff we put into our courses to make them fun, entertaining, etc. the more annoying it can become. If we do the same thing over and over, it gets boring. The same applies here.

A blog is a great idea!!

Shelly Crider

Erica ,
A class does not need distractions. We want to transfer content, not distractions.

Shelly Crider

We do love resources, but do need to decide which one/ones we plan to use.

Shelly Crider

Hi Traci,
This is a great point because I remember having a student that said I had so many how to tutorials that it was difficult for her to focus.
So I moved those into a blog that students could access.
I think having too much technology would be the same thing, and no one wants to confuse and or have students lose focus or wanting to finish the class if there is too much going on.
Great point.


I strongly believe that simple is the key work in any education environment.

I had a wonderful mentor that taught me the importance of specifically staying on topic. Once all your studying and lesson preparation is complete re-read your materials. Remove anything that does not add or focus on the main lesson points.If there are any key points that need further explanation, those are the ones to go back and revisit. You make add to or include media examples to these key points.

Technology included, should specifically add to the points. If any videos and animation are distracting they should simply be taken out of the lesson.

That is a good point. I do not see it as too much technology, just simply too many resources. As an instructor, you need to consider and keep track of the hours expected to review the content and additional resources presented to the student. You may also want to identify the resources that are required for course success and other that are optional and will only supplement the core objectives. Lastly, make sure the students are aware of this distinction so they do not waste any time when they may be falling behind.

Great point! There are technologies that are out of date or simply should not be used.

Shelly Crider

I would say that the question should not be how much technology, but hoe reliable is the technology used.

I agree with you Traci. Too many "bells and whistles" can detract and distract from the message. A new user of power point tends to use all the fancy "fly-ins" and colors on their ppts. I think this detracts from the message you are trying to send.

Good point.....too much of a good thing is distracting!

Shelly Crider

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