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Note-taking would obviously be simplified by writing on the screen and then saving to a digital file for safekeeping. It would allow the student to not only save time, but be more organized and have quicker access to notes.

Have you had any successes with this, Angela? How is it received by students? What challenges have you experienced?

I think that the tablet PCs would make the students more organized. They will be able to find old notes much quicker. I have already had some students with lap tops that they use to take notes. I noticed that those students seem to take more notes than the other students. I thought it was just because they were the type of students that liked to take notes but I noticed that if they forgot their lap top they wouldnt take notes.

Great points about note taking, Carlos. How do you set up this kind of learning with your students?

I think that as we transision into a tablet based program, it can help the student access the information that was covered in class or to look ahead to get prepared for the next subject.

I keep hoping our campus will soon include lap tops in our classroom as it will help to trouble shoot problems and allow for more interactive experancies with our students

Describe how the use of tablet PCs can increase customization and flexibility for students.
The size and weight of the tablet Pc is an attractive element that increases flexibility. The advance technology offers the same and/or similar functions as a desk top computer; combined the weigh, size and technology has created a mobile device that allows a student to carry this device in a purse, a back pack. The clarity of the screen allows a student to read text as easily as and/or better than on hard copy.
My personal experience with a tablet PC gave me the flexibility to access my class and check papers ‘on the go’. I was able to respond to students quicker. I accessed information faster and was able to share this data to my students.
The draw back was my mobile tablet could not access documents and sites hosting ‘flash.’ In addition, my tablet lacked the flexibility for use in the classroom. My presentation pointer was inoperable.
However, the students were able to display the power point on their screen and follow along while take notes. Tablets can and do enhance student learning, by allowing students to accesses, receive and transmit information while in their travels. However, with more advancement in design, the Tablet could be the tool that alters the behaviors and learning methodology in the classroom.

'Just wondering, Walter, how you think the I-Pad touch screen and multitasking technology might enhance the environment beyond the tablet PC...? Of course we would have to wait for the next version to access Flash :)

Randolph, what are some specifics that you would want to achieve by using laptops?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

I was facilitating a class, I asked a question that no one knew the answer; a learner used his Black Berry to access the internet and found the answer. The portability and ease of access of touch screens would make this search faster. However, a student with an internet device could do the same. Students with classroom internet access are better able to find and share information. This ability allows learning to take place beyond instructional material.

The advantage of the I-Pad touch screen is the size, permitting the user to reduce workspace clutter.

I used both the PC and I-Pad; I found the size of the I-Pad has the advantage. However, until I-Pad designers eliminate the proprietary approach to designing this unit, the I-Pad will only serve as an expensive display screen.

The classroom is a fast pace knowledge exchange post. A student cannot afford to touch screen and not accesses and interface classroom electronics. Until then, the PC will dominate the classrooms; the next version of I-Pads may cut the edge.


I agree with you. However, I think your tablet PC grew legs and walked out.

I too used a touch screen unit. I found that I still needed a PC to display my presentation. The PC and I-Pad could not interface to use as a device to walk around with and controls the movements of my presentation.

The I–Pad sat in my bag. The pace of a classroom has no room for software failures and the tablet I-Pad needs more advancement in design to dominate the classroom.

I am interested to see how well the introduction of the mandatory laptops will be next year.

What do you anticipate, Thomas, with the laptops? How do you think they might change things? How are you preparing for that?

This allow the shape or location of the classroom to be completely mobil. Now class can be held outside, on the move or even off campus. This alows the teacher to severe the tie to the classrooms computer and projector. It is also a great way for student to be more open with instructor and each other.

Yes, Ryan, and it also redefines delivery and mediation of the learning process.

this is good idea it makes each student more interactive with the class.

For years educators and computer vendors have explored ways in which technology could aid with learning. The Tablet PC is one option. I know most agree that the tablet PC increases customization and flexibility of students. The use of the tablet PC can be a essential medium by which students learn especially in today's society. Students seemed to gather knowledge and concepts quickly through technology. The Tablet PC can provide teachers flexibility in instruction and instructional methods. Tablet PC could also lead to a paper-free environment and faster turn around time with various assignments, projects and lectures.

Do you also think it affects the self-directed nature of the learning process, Angel? If so, how?

As we transision into a tablet based program, it can help the student access the information that was covered in class, or to review ahead to get prepared. We will be implementing this is the spring, and I am excited to see how this plays out.

That's great, Claudia. As you move forward, examine what you need to provide as a teacher to encourage students to prepare or review. How can you make those a vital part of the learning process for students?

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