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Course Components | Origin: EL101

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Designing and Developing Online Courses -->  Course Components

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This lesson has thought me all the parts of Course Componets. I understand how everything works online.

Course components, chats, quizzes


I like how quizzes are viewed as self-checks and students have multiple attempts at them. This becomes practice at the types of questions they might see, and encourages multiple interactions with the course content. 


Online learning offers a variety of learning techniques such as synchronouse learning (real time learning and chat) for example and asynchronous in which discussions are posted at the students leisure, but within the alloted time. This makes this type of learning very flexible for busy students.

Quizzes in the online courses provide great oppurtunity of students to learn by having multiple attempts . 

Having students work at their own pace and self evaluate from the quizzes.

Online learning offers a variety of learning techniques such as synchronouse learning (real time learning and chat) for example and asynchronous in which discussions are posted at the students leisure, but within the alloted time. This makes this type of learning very flexible for busy students.

I like the idea of giving the students unlimited attempts for quizzes to boost morale. 


variety of gradable assignments


The importance of allowing students to take quizzes mulitple times giving the chance to score a 100 (ego-booster).  Also; how model answers give students a better understanding of the correct answer by viewing other students answer and reflecting back to the instructors explanation/criteria of the model answer.

I learned that it is beneficial to include model answers as well as explanations as to why that model answer is correct. Similar to a rubric.

I like the idea of giving the student's quizzes that they can have multiple attempts can not only provide them checks on their learning, it also lets them understand the content better in their own way on their own terms. 

Learned Quizzes need to have multiple chances to take, and exams only 1 chance. 

I learned that the learned is influenced by the nature of the competencies in the course.


I learned about how to administer exams through online learning. I also learned the importance of modeling answers for students so they are aware of my expectations, as well as the correct answer(s).

I was struck by the level of detail needed to explain assignments. It is much more than just stating what to do. It should include reason, value, etc. 


This has helped me to think about how to set up my course if we go online in the fall.  It has clarified the differences between quizzes and examinations.  I have also printed the sample syllabus in case I must make a syllabus for both online and in person content.

quizzes and assesments are self checks of  what you learned  it identifiers of weakness and strength where improvment is needed or not needed.


One of the downsides to discussions is that a student may be delayed in completing their assignment because they are waiting on other students.  Allowing student's to take quizzes several times allows them to have a better understanding of the course content.    

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