Relevance is key in developing questions and topic delivery. Encouraging learners to "practice" and "think out loud" help to develop their ability to think critically as well as accept constructive criticism/encouragement.
The importance of outline lectures to help students to navigate through the course.
Relevant content delivered timely.
The lecture types were interesting! Combining them for online classes seems like a really powerful tool to keep students engaged and interested in the content.
One thing that really stuck out to me was " Immediate feedback allows students to correct their thought process before it becomes ingrained." As an instructor with a few years of expereince, I know that this isn't always possible and yet I feel like I need to strive to find a way to give this instant feedback. I never really thought about it in this way.
It gives me plenty of ideas how to create a detail syllabus for students to follow and understand. Also to think about all the differents ideas for testing. :)
The value of coure components and the organization of the syllabus are outlined.
Immediate feedback to students on tests, quizzes and all assignments is essential to their learning, particularly on points that they missed the mark. It is important to give them specific feedback with the correct answer and application. It is also essential for the instructor to keep the door open for students to contact them with questions or when they need assistance.
Joyce Hladky
I learned that there are benefits from allowing mulitple responses to quizzes as they can be confidence builders to the student as they prep for their tests. The danger I feel with allowing unlimited attempts, is that students can simply memorize the correct answers. This doesn't help them learn if the test questions are worded differently, from those they saw on the quiz. I still think that there are pros and cons to this practice.
I have had issues with discussions where students are waiting to post responses to others, but other students haven't posted yet. How should those be graded? It isn't the initial student's fault that others didn't follow the due dates. I respond to all of the discussions, so this at least gives them an interaction even when other students don't reply.
My big takeaway from this lesson was to provide automatic feedback to quizzes to help the learner know where they went wrong.
This section has taught me the differences between asynchronous and synchronous learning. Online learning allows students to have the opportuity to work on a Discussion Board where students/teachers can post and respond to each other at their individual convenience. If needed students and teachers can respond to each other in real time through Chat. These are a few of the benefits of online learning.
Kasey McCusker
I like the mindset of a quiz being a self check and unlimited attempts.
Quizzes are a great tool for students to use as a study resource since they have multiple attempts.
Discussions and quizzes are a great way to reinforce content prior to taking tests.
Quizzes can be a great formative developmental tool.
When administering a quiz or test, its important to consider the questions to make sure it supports the material taught
Online courses allow us to develop different evaluation activities, depending on the learning objectives.
The importance of the course components and how they affect the learning experience
Immediate feedback after a quiz is a great idea. Better to change wrong thinking before that is all the student remembers.