Problem solving is an important skills to obtain.
Integrated learning is a vital tool for students to master skills within their trade. I am a culinary arts teacher and we are somewhat limited in virtual training for obvious reasons. However I did take a course where students practiced skills in their home setting and then submitted finished product pictures for visual grading.
When learning a new skill is important, mastering the learned skill with the hands on perfects the lesson and skill learned. At the same time promoting critical thinking.
Utilizing simulation is an essential tool for the hands-on experience that may or may not take place for students during the real-world experience in the training environment.
Our focus should be on having students apply what they are learning in real-life contexts throughout the entire learning process. Integrating practical experience early on, and online learning can play a significant role by offering projects that use various technologies and provide instant feedback.
As an instructor of service skills training, we need to go 1 step further than learn-practice-apply, help students to critically think about why they are doing this...this way? and/or what could happen if a change in the process is made? We will develop more confident students if they can figure out alternates to achieving their outcome or goal.
The ability of any skilled trades person to effectively apply their expertise is undoubtedly enriched by the integration of critical thinking and problem-solving. Incorporating these abilities into the learning process seems essential and online teaching offers multiple tools to do it.
I learned that integrative instruction is about designing and mediating instruction that promotes and supports a full process of analysis, reflection, understanding, and application.