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Many of these issues cropped up this last session.  Over-confident students, people who wanted to talk about their religion instead of the coursework, others who procrastinated, or just never finished the work.  Now I have a little more in my toolbox.  

Communication is always key to any successful teaching.  The students need to know that you are available to help answer questions, and the first week of the course is the most crucial to establish the accessibility for the students to be able to communicate with the instructor as well as eachother.

In this section it was very interesting to learn about the different reasons that students desire to leave the the learning environment early. Attrition Management is very important to understand for student retention and as instructors we play a critical role in reducing attrition.

This module gave a good insight into why some learners leave the online platform and how instructors can reduce this from happening. These tools will be helpful in helping to keep students from feeling overwhelmed and not being able to adjust to the work load of online learning.

Get organized!! Each student have their own e-mail folders when working your e-mail.  E-learners will display their own learning behaviors even through this type of learning forum.  

Identifying the type of online students we are facing is crucial to help us manage conflicts and attrition. Also, we need to be familiar with the institutional guidelines and codes.

Students may exit our courses due to different situations related to how they feel, their workload, and their life responsibilities, but as instructors,  we should help them find options and encourage them to finish their classes. 

When students are enrolled online, it is more likely that they will procrastinate due to that they do not have a set time to be in class. 

This module was full of very helpful information on management tips for records, communications, counseling, behavior, and conflict. I especially liked how the module zoomed in on focus areas regarding behavior and the sections for students that are noisy, quiet, disruptive, intimidating, and procrastinators, etc. We also learned that it is always so important to keep a record of all communication relevant to handling any problems. 

As an online instructor, we will need to make sure that we are ready to face behavior, conflict and attrition issues. Students can often feel alienated, feel overwhelmed because of the excessive workload or their competing responsibilities or frustrated because of technical issues and it is our responsibilities to remind them of their commitment and provide them with tips and strategies to succeed in their program. 

It was valuable to learn of all the different types of student behaviors in the e-learning environment.

I have learned that In order to manage online classes effectively, one needs to be flexible and adaptable. This can involve making changes to the course content or schedule in response to student feedback.

I learned that students engage in discussions in 5 different ways.

It’s important to consider some students may lack the dedication and motivation to complete course timely due to life circumstances. It’s good to keep in contact with them through emails to encourage and check on their status.

Remind students of any time expectations you have for your class and assignment due dates. When possible - write a quick reminder to each student

The behaviors of different types of learners and how to manage different circumstances that may arise from an e-learning environment. 

Procrastination can be more common in an online learning environment due to the lack of scheduled class times and the absence of in-person interactions with instructors and classmates. It's also essential to familiarize yourself with your university's dispute resolution policies and ensure you keep detailed records of all communications and activities.

i think its important to take a closer look at students who are disruptive. There could be a many of reasons, and its important to not right off students as " problem students". 

I learned that some students challenge us and we have to make our teaching fit the individuals.

Classroom management is still a factor in an online course because there are different types of students who may being challenges. Understanding how to handle this type of conflict or misunderstanding is important because it is hard to convey tone and other communication inferences when we are not face-to-face. 

Maintaining individual student engagement can help students who tend to procrastinate due to the lack of face to face interactions with peers and instructors. Conflict resolution can also be challenging because of the informality of online interactions and should be handled with tact.

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