While completing this module I revewed about strategies, ID models, time managment and tips for and efective design of an online course.
The module provided a nice overview of the challenges associated with online learning and in how having better time management skills can help mitigate them.
My weakness is effectively managing my time so that I provide timely feedback. I need to develop better organization and discipline around this issue. I also need to establish more effective boundaries so that I am not overloaded by feeling like I have to be "online" all the time.
I have learned that engaging students is very important and in fact, it is the most important. Utilizing time-saving strategies such as templates and saving my resources that I can use in subsequent classes allows me to spend more time in discussion and with my students.
The online instructor can become overwhelmed with work. I found it refreshing in this module to hear it is important to distinguish work time from personal time. When teaching online, often from home, this can be a challenge. One must set up time for work and keep it separate from personal time.
I learned that the delivery model is well when the professor design a good instructional class with the differents elements to guidance and help the students..
Time management is not just a skill that should be developed for the purpose of being a good on line instructor, it is also a good life skill to have and maintain.
I like the idea of using a course templete to create a consistent environment and course approach that students will become familiar with and with each subsequent course they take that uses the template, it will aid them in knowing how to learn from the course. Smart! :))
Demonstrate Leadership Qualities
The primary goal of the role of the administrator of an online course is to assure smooth course operations & reduce instructor & learner overload. Good administrative practice in online learning:
Be clear in outlining expectations and rules for the students. I have taken online courses myself and the ones that had clear goals and time frames were the best. Provide feedback promptly and often or students will become frustrated. Make sure you set aside time to maintain work life balance (I am perhaps the most guilty in this--giving my students more of my time because I feel obligated). Setting goals along the way instead of deadlines just at the end should help streamline grading.
Remember to be flexible with your teaching methods. Use different methods such as YOUTUBE, PPTS, videos, etc to help students learn.
Time management involves being organized by blocking out time for particular events and then being disciplined to stick to the schedule. This is an area that I struggle with.
I let other things interfere and think I need to respond to student questions and emails quickly. In fact, I need to set up boundaries and communicate these to the students. Then, I can use flexible methods to communicate the content.
Time Management is key, and learning how to better balance between online instruction and personal life may help me rejuvenate my desire for teaching.
Organization, time management, and staying focused are key for online learning instructors.
The tips for work/life balance were excellent. This is an area where I have long had issues. I am working on only working during specific hours and hope that will help.
Nancy Tosh
I need to manage time so that I am not spending all my time in front of my computer with online classes. I need to learn not to feel guilty because I am not online every minute.
Time managment is key to being a successful proffesor. User-centered interfaces are ideal when creating an online course. Try to make sure that your students have sufficient social presence.
I learned that professional development can assist in obtaining knowledge to manage workload.
I think setting office hours when you will be available is extremely important for the instructor. I know it is easy to get tied into constantly responding to the students.