Initiate a communication code of conduct that is clear , concise , and encourages participation.
To maintain effective communication, it is necessary to define the means of communication and the tools available and above all the agreement between the students and the teacher. Establish clear guidelines.
It is interesting to measure the participation of the students, how frequent is the communication in the different means that have been agreed for communication: emails, wiki, blogs, forum. Observe that active communication between: I2S, S2I, S2S.
Code of conduct for communication can eliminate dissing others.
I learned the importance of establishing a communication code from the beginning of the course.
When using online platforms you want to be clear with what your expectations of students are. The Rubric is helpful and give a visual for responses for participation. Be transparent and provide your students with the tricks to being successful. This will help you be organized and develop an effective communication process. I like the FAQs tip and limiting traffic to email.
As the instructor, I need to set the guidelines of effective communiation, let the students know what will or will not be acceptable. I must encourage participation in the discussion groups but also make sure they know that no response or responses not adding content to the discussion will result in a lower grade. Posting a rubric with these expectations will reinforce the expectation.
It is absolutely essential to establish and communicate the rules for appropriate communication between the instructor and student and between students. The syllabus and a FAQ discussion board are good places to do this. The instructor should model appropriate communication and closely monitor how students are communicating with each other and address any issues promptly.
Communication needs to be consistent and in a pattern. So that students learn your habits and expectations.
In this module I learned the importance of establishing a Code of conduct to ensure the respect among all the participants.
Communication will always be the greatest tool that life gives us. The communication patterns presented are necessary and very well adapted to the diverse generational levels that we serve today.
In this module I have learned that, as an instructor, it is important to model the types of communication that will be included in the online course. I will apply in my courses examples of such communication so that students understand what is expected of them.
Love the fact of the discussion board, it is a way to collaborative communication if used correctly.
Communication in an online course is almost more important than in a traditional classroom environment.
HAving clear rules and regulation from the beggining is a must
It is importatnt to set the standards for communication and make them clear to students up front. It is also important to practice what you preach and stay true to those standards yourself.
Nice reminder on how it is important for instructors to set boundaries with communication, also to ensure communication is clear. I will set a detailed code of expected conduct so each student knows what is expected and the consequences.
Deloping a pattern if communication helps students to stay engaged and recognize your presence in the online environment. Setting expectations for response time and when you will not be available is important to help students manage their time and needs within the course.
Civility in any and all communications is simply common sense and professional behavior and interaction.
I learned that setting guidelines and making sure to communicate through feedback is important. Also, be sure to use a grading rubric that is well thought out and informative.
Giving clear parameters for communication can deter Text-speak and other forms of poor communication.