Communication is the key to online leanring. Creating a rubric when using online communicating it is essential to help with success.
I found it's good to use Rubrics to clearly assess students work. I will use Rubrics, which I will give out at the beginning of the lesson, to make clear objectives to my students about what is expected from that assignment.
Rubrics are an amazing tool. They take the guess and confusion out of expections and evaluation. The instructor has to have a clear idea of what they are wanting to teach, how it will be done and measured which in turn allows students to move confidently in the class.
Rubrics allow for standardized evaluation and make the evaluation process more simple and transparent. Rubrics provide students (through peer evaluation) and the instructor with a guide with which to provide feedback to others through formative or summative assessment.
Rubrics are a wonderful tool! They are one more way of clearly defining expectations for students. They can help students who are unsure of their ability to find a path for meeting the desired goal.
This module was about communication and participation. Instructors should provide rubrics for discussion boards so students will know what they are expected to do. Rubrics also provide higher levels of self evaluation and better product output which makes the teacher's job easier.
Using a rubric to assess helps students know what is expected and help the instructor ensure that the grade is fair and transparent.
Communication and collaboration are essential. Rubrics serve as a measure and should should provide specific criteria, a range of performance, and a focus on the objectives.
I found it very interesting to learn the steps that need to be taken to develop a successful online community and the importance of creating clear and consistent guidelines and rubrics to evaluate student participation and communicate expectations.
Rubrics clearly set goals and expectations in the class and in the online environment. I use them in every class I sets high expectations for the students, and sets the standard for every student.
I learned ruberics are a clear way to assess students. They can be used for all areas of the class - discussion board, projects, assignments. I would apply them to every assignment in class so that there are clear expectations and goals to work towards.
To evaluate a learning community for a sense of belonging, look for students communicating academically and personally. Collaboration—with cooperation—assists students and groups in being successful towards a common goal.
Discussions should be monitored by the teacher to make sure that communicatiion has a professional tone, and to ensure the direction of the content is on topic and focused. Not only must the intstructor analyze the communication between student and student but needs to analyze their own communication, making sure that it is effective and professional. The instructor must not be overbearing and share too much too often. They should be faciliators of communication and the sharing of ideas and opinions. Students will begin to communicate effectively as they become involved in collaborate projects, thus, promoting a strong learning environment.
Student online learning can be assessed through direct and indirect measures. The use of a rubric during the duratiom of the online class can encorage self-assessment and reflection by the student learner.
In order for students to be successful online they must use open mindedness and communication to name a few. Students are expected to participate in a virutal environment while instructors should provide feedback which also ties into the imperative point of communicaiton.
The importance of creating an environment where our students feel safe and valued. One way to do this is through modeling what quality contributions to post look like and creating a rubric expectation for quality posts.
I have not used rubrics for participation and communication. This would be a great way to assess these. I also learned setting communication rules are important for group collaboration.
The syllubus needs to fit the class to the fullest, to explain to the students what is expected of them during the duration of the course. How to answer the discussion questions. How to communicate with peers and the professor. It taught me that you should specify your office hours so the students do not expect you to be online 24 hours.
Concise, clear guidelines help an instructor communicate expectations. Providing a rubric WITH an assignment helps the communication process.
Clear communication, consistency and fairness are important in an online learning environment.