To encourage students to become successful an instructor can assist students to identify their weaknesses and strengths in order to meet their learning goals.
A few things I learned from the reading was the emphasis of time management. That is, I will plan on creating a detailed syllabus and post assignments, deadlines, and expectations for every course taught. Doing so will allow me to effectively answer student's questions about the topics as I will be aware of them as the terms progresses. The course content will be presented when scheduled online and I can allow students to review the content in advance, if needed.
As online instructors it is more challenging to be able to identify the students strengths and weaknesses. Instructors need to be able to communicate clearly in writing and be detailed so that students may better understand instruction. Another important issue is time management to keep them engaged and motivated.
Ive learned that student svurveys are very important, for making the student feel as part of the class but also to get feed back from the student as to how they are progressing.
Time management is very important.
time management and appealing with a universal design.
Management is a key as everything should be spelled out clearly in the syllabus.
Time management is necessary for success.
Looking into a suvey for students so they can access their skills and readiness, most of our students are not college bound or ready, they are heading into a hands on career, this is a big leap for them, many are having trouble adjusting and many drop out due to the switch to blended learning.
knowing your students disability would be a great help before you begin classes.
Interaction in post and discussion as it relates to the course are reflective to the student and help guide them through the course. Be concise with bites of information giving realistic timelines and set goals. This helps Online students succeed meeting course objectives.
It is important to think about as many types of strategies for successful learning as possible when designing and implementing on-line learning. Tools and strategies that work for one student may not for another. I think the need for this is amplified in the on-line environment.
Students need to realize thast on-line classes require as much or more time as a traditional course to complete. Also they must learn to manage thier time effectively while taking an onlin class.
It is essential to reinforce the importance of time management in online learning. I think this is the most difficult task for students to accomplish especially when juggling work/school/family life.
Overnight, we all became online instructors while all of our students became online learners. It is important to take the information learned here and go back through our courses to verify that we have Universal Design. I feel like as educators we all know the information that was presented in this module, especially since we are living it currently during a pandemic. However, we need to actually go through the material and apply these fundamentals. Persistence is the key here. Persistence on the part of the instructor to refresh the material and persistence on the part of the student to work through the material given in the best possible environment. Persistence to keep up with the changing landscape of education and persistence of the student to let us know what type of learners they are.
I learned that the Teaching Goals Inventory (TGI) can help you discover something about yourself as a teacher. The TGI is an easy-to-use, self-scoring, online tool to help you discover what you value about teaching and learning. Although it is primarily used by faculty members who are developing or revising instructional goals, it also is useful for anyone teaching college courses or developing a teaching portfolio.
Setting clear deadlines for projects will help online learners to stay motivated as well as giving them immediate, positive feedback.
I really like the idea of focusing on the learning style of the students and working with them to set calendars based on their strengths and what times of the day they may work the best.
Making sure that each student has a desgniated space to learn in their home or a desgniated area to study.
I agree, we do know how to motivate them.