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Two things I did learn were the mnemonic for RESPECT for netiquette and principles for success as they apply to the instructor and how it applies to and can be explained to the students as course expectations. The table of principles shows the codependent relationship for success for students and instructors. For example, the communication aspect:

  • Instructor: Frequent, consistent, and timely instructor-student contact helps involve and motivate students.
  • Student: Ask questions early and often. Be knowledgeable on how to contact the instructor and other students within the online course.


The seven principles of learning is essential for good online learning. Online etiquette is important just as in real life they should think before they act. 


Learn about your students so your students can learn from you follow the 7 principles of learning encourage them to interact with each other and you professionally and properly so they can grasp the learning and time management whisch depending on the individual can be daunting at times always let them know that you are available but you will respond to their issues that may arise and will assist them in dealing with it with proper words and respect everything can be adjusted or dealt with noyhing is set in stone everything is malleable

Help students understand the time commitment needed to complete work. Help students identify ways to manage time, overcome procrastination, and be a good group member. Additionally, apply the seven principles to online teaching for best results.

Students are just as responsible for their learning as much as teachers are for teaching them


Students should be following the 7 principals, and perhaps this should be intergrated in part of the expectiations. 

Planning is huge.This topic covers ways of equipping students to maintain a schedule where personal life such as work and emergencies won't jeopardize school work deadlines. I am going to take this class as an example. This class indorm us that it takes about 4 hours to complete. Because I know th etype of student I am, I already know it make take up double that time. Therefore, I must plan accordingly.Working ahead of time will avoid procrastination :) 

Identifying past experiences that can impact my ability to achieve academic goals can dictate my success as an online learners. Likewise, employing different strategies such as planning and goal setting can allow me to boost my self-confidence.  

Today, the seven principles of learning as noted by Chickering and Ehrmann, 1996 is applicable for both the instructor as well as the student. It serves as an excellent guideline for success in an online environment. 


know the 7 Principles


Procrastination is hard for many students to overcome and helping them understand the deadlines and urgency is needed.  Online trainging is hard for many students.

Students' ability to define there own schedule can harm them as much as it can hurt them. Lack of netiquette can lead to serious problems in the classroom. Students should follow the seven principles of learning.

This module was helpful in stressing the importance of student motivation to be successful online learners. 

Online ettiquette is something that needs to be discussed early - and reinforced often.

In this module we learned about the 7 priniciples of learning!  Communication is key and these principles make for a valuable learning experience for the students.


At our school/campus we have just moved to a blackboard based system. This is putting greater pressure on the student to their part (if you will) of the learning process. It quickly becomes clear which student are more self mature and need less follow up to take care of their studies.

When students plan for and set life goals such as educational, career, and financial goals, you can help students connect your course content to those goals. This can help students see how being successful in your course affects their life goals which may, in turn, affect their family and other goals. As students connect their goals to course content, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in the learning process to achieve set goals.

From this Module my key take away is to help students connect with how course content will assist them in meeting their personal goals.


Setting and following up  onexpextations can be challenging to say the least, but it   is critical for student success. You must do your part and also ensure they keep up their side of the task.

The section on pitfalls was extremely helpful. In my own experience, procrastination or scheduling too much at one sitting (the second often grows out of doing the first) are a recipe for slipshod work and an invitation to plagiarize. I have often spoken with a student who plagiarized to find out that they put things off until the day the assignment was due, got stressed, panicked, and figured that turning in something (even if it was copied) was better than missing the deadline :(

Nancy Tosh

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