Looking at these traits I believe some fit a color to a "T". But, I believe most are definitely a combination of at least two, if not three. Environment and age are a big factor. Being able to identify traits helps in the classroom.
TC is a great tool to help better understand a student's personality but may be too rigid.
I learned how understanding my owm personality can help me a better instructor.
It is important to understand personality types and know traits and weaknesses as an Instructor.
I can not get into the color personality traits. It is hard to picture a person being a color on a spectrum wheel of all possible shades. Because so many people have more than one color it just becomes an unbalanced painting.
The first thing I took from this module is there is a coloring system for an individual’s personality type. Understanding the personality of an individual, regardless if it is a student, employee, or friend, helps one successfully engage with that individual. I concur with Dennis Eberly that people can be a mix of colors and I am not sure we can simply assign these buckets as a one size fits all. I feel I am a mix of gold and orange. The key takeaway for me is to recognize the wide variation of personality types and to be aware of them as I interact with students online.
I agree with Jude who states that we, as instructors, may lean towards activities / teaching strategies that would meet our own personality needs. But we must go outside our comfort zone to teach in a variety of methods to meet everyone's strengths. That way, there is at least one activity in a course that meets each person's strengths. I also believe this understanding of personality traits can be useful in setting up groups for group projects.
I better understand my own personality traits, which may not work with a blanket approach to others when seeking desired outcomes. I need to be able to recognize the traits of others that are different from my own, and leverage that understanding to help drive them to success.
I think people are a mixture of the color personality types.
I like the information on the different types of color personality traits.
sensing and understandind personality with the sense of color. all individuals have some good and bad also'
I am a BLUE, with certain characteristics of GOLD.
Interesting personality color theory that may be useful when interacting with students, particularly in a one on one sceanrio.
I am going to evaluate my students and figure out what personality color each is and use that to enhance my teaching.
When I think about people I know I can usually pinpoint their brightest color, but we're all a mixture of traits.
Some may find that placing people in predefined boxes help. I don't want to be identifed this way and nor do I want someone to think of me as a color. I ve dealt with that my whole life. Personalities are not colors
Recognizing the dominant personality trait one posesses enables one to better reach their potential. Finding a way to take the personality trait of those you are instructing and using it to their advantage would help in the academic environment tremendously. I wonder how much of the TC is taken into consideration when designing academic materials for students grades k-12? Or are there other factors that dominate that preceed TC factors?
The True Colors approach is similar to other "color" approaches on which I've been trained.
I was familiar with the other personality trait models but had never heard of the true colors one. It's intersting to see how it lines up with other models.
I love this, the color system makes total sense. I agree with the blue being warm and friendly, gold is responsible and punctual, green is competent and independent, and orange is social.