How do you encourage part-time employees to care as much about there job or task at hand as full-time employees would?
This is a tough question, but a good one. Although it is not the only answer, one thing I have found is to make sure that the part-timers understand the importance of their role to the organization. Often these folks feel somewhat out of the loop & fairly expendable since they are "part-time." If you can help them see the vital nature of their work & not treat them differently than the full-timers this can help.
There are some who won't care & sadly you probably cannot do much for them.
I encourage part time workers by treating them the way I want to be treated. I treat everyone the same with respect, fairly, and as an important member of the team. I teach them they are learning everyday and will take these valuable tools and lessons and will utilize them to the next level of the job experience when they get the full time job they deserve. It is up to each individual to make this achievement with the tools he or shee learned from their Manager.
I find that the possibility of eventually being considered for a full time position is good motivation for part time staff. I usually make the time to coach these part timers just as I would full timers, I set the same expectations and training as I would for regular employees which makes them feel important. By giving them the same opportunities they usually reciprocate and are eager to show they can perform just as much.
You are right, that opportunity for a full-time position is a great motivator. And by treating the part-timers as important as the full-timers is a great strategy to demonstrate to them their importance.
Treat part timers as full timers. Make no difference in recognition of their achievements. Make them feel as part of the team because they are, even though just for part time.
I'm having great difficulty motivating a current part-time employee who was full-time when I arrived on the scene. I was the one who delivered the news that her position was being reduced and we've had a strained relationship ever since. I've tried to be empathetic to her situation however her lack of enthusiasm and motivation are starting to take a toll on me. It's been an awkward introduction to management. Any suggestions?
I would say do what you can to make the best, if she is being subversive, it may be a matter for HR.
Dr. Ryan Meers
Hi Jaimie,
One way I encourage part-time employees to care as much about their job as the full-time employees is to treat them as if they were full-time employees. I am currently a program director with 6 direct employees who report to me. There are 4 that are part-time and 2 that are full-time. We meet monthly to discuss any issues we are having with the students or any questions about procedures that they are unsure of. I try to encourage the part-time instructors by stressing the fact that they are currently in the field and that is important because of how much they add to the classroom because of it. I am in constant contact with all of my employees and we try to do something fun at least once a month outside of the office to get to know one another as well. I send out encouraging emails weekly and I do not tolerate the us against them mentality. I am also aware that they come into the classroom right from their full-time jobs so I encourage them to have a de-stress time,i.e., talking about a funny story from the office that day or anything unrelated to the class that they are about to teach. This is done in the beginning of class to help the students understand that they are now focused on them not their busy day at their previous job. I also empower them to pass on their real-life application skills to the full-time instructors who have been teaching for several years and are not as up to date on the material as the part-time employees. The pride is written all over them when they are asked to be in the leadership position.
I agree with this I think they need to know that you are just as concerned about their performance as the full time person they are just as important.
Part-time instructors are an connecting element on my team. I require the part-timmer worker to attend meeting ang give suggestion to improve the department. This empowers everyone to work towards our department mission.