I agree that humor in the workplace can be a very positive reaction to a strssful situation. Mnay times an event can take place that is blown out of porportion and one negative team player can begin to fuel the fire until several have followed the same path of stressfull negative attitude. By carefully finding a humorous approch to a situation you can ususally difuse a situation and a follow up response with positve solutions can be a very affective anidote to a negative stiuation.
Humorous chacteristics can be helpful when bringing people together with similar goals.
Humor can make tense moments become easier. It takes talent to have humor sometimes in a tight situation. It can be perceived incorrectly sometime. The better you are at articulating your humor with your audience in mind and the culture helps keep your humor in the right perspective.
Yes - there are laughter yoga exercises that can be done, also.
There are strategic plans for any type of situations of stress and conflict. Laughing wether it be Yoga or otherwise is very healthy.
Creating a relaxing enviornment through humor can enhance learning ability for students in a theroy driven course, by reducing the pressure caused by trying to learn complex informtion, soon they realize the material is not so complex!
I suffer from stress related illnesses. It is a real concern in what I do and if my stress is too high I can become very short with the people around me. I find that laughter is a great medication.
Humor and exercise have always worked for me. I prefer to swim laps, unfortunately that can't be done anyplace, anytime. Laughter can be useful anytime
Balance in your life is a great way to keep your mental health in tune. The balance comes from exercise, leisure activity, mental activity and spiritual rejuvination. We need to pick and choose as needed in certain circumstances arise. You definitely are correct when you can turn to healthy laughter.
My colleges and myself use humor during our 15 minute breaks and lunch periods. We stay away from negative behavier so as not to bring moral down. As we leave to go back to our stressful envirorment we are at least smiling and laughing before entering our tasks. This seems to jump start into a less stressful enviorment
It is good for a team to have a positive attitude and outlook. A fun exercise for your staff is to have them wear anrubberband on their wrist. If they say something negative in front of someone the listening person can ask them to snap themselves. This is a good practice to show people how often they may be perceived negative
Humor is very often an effective therapy and tends to put individuals at ease.
Humorous characteristics can also bring togeher individuals with different mindsets and ease the \
I agree - laughter is the best medicine!
Laughter has always been a good healer for many things. We all need the balance in our life.
Learning to "laugh at yourself" can really lighten your load.
Negativity breeds negativity. The positive reinforcement of laughter makes everyone feel better. Learning to laugh at yourself lets your students see that you are human!
A good sense of humor and the ability have fun with yourself is healthy.
Negativity sadly enough is often what goes on in the subconscious part of our mind. It takes awareness to not let our self-talk be negative.
Seems like a goodapproach. I will try it and let you know how it works
Mariann U