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I think that using an incumbent for observation to get better ideas for hiring an instructor, is a great way to determine what skills, experience, strategies and overall teaching goals they might possess. 

Hiring people who all have a common virtue that suits the companys Institutional Culture. It can be be the backbone to the strength of the team. 

Creating a checklist KSAO is important PRIOR to hiring and after the interviews.


It is extremely important to compensate your faculty it helps with retention.

Reply to Regina Bush's post:Using the same questions really helps level the playing field for all interviewees.

Reply to Elizabeth Murphy's post:Great points. Also it would help shore up skills of incumbent workers.

I like the idea of doing group incumbent interviews. This would benefit us in two ways. First, we would gain valuable knowledge for future hires, but sedondly we would be able to share insights with everyone in the group. Each faculty would be able to see what they do the same as others and differetly from others. This could be very helpful in imporving our incumbent faculty.


a Job analysis is critical to selcting the right candidate for the osition. One needs to know the requisite KSAO's for the position prior to interviewing any candidates for the position.


Great Idea to interview and observe incumbent faculty. This can be very valuable especially with very successful instructors. It may also be valuable to observe instructors outside of the program. I like the idea of creating a KSAO to specifically outline the qualities that I need in a faculty. Do you think its appropriate to give an employment quiz to verify knowledge and skills? An essay question may also be very telling of writing and communication skills.



Priot to hiring or even interviewing possible instructors, the management should have a written list of preferences and deal brakers pertaining the knowledge, skills, abilities, expected of the new team member.

In addition, the school management should be clear and have a plan where budgeting and compensation plans are attractive enough according to the job that needs to be filled.


Job analysis is important for developing complete job descriptions.


I like doing an interview with current faculty and gather knowledge that way. 


I liked the brreakdown of knowledge, skills and abilities.  That is a good way to go through and figure out which candidate fills the most needs in the depaartment.  I also enjoyed getting a better understanding of the why behind observations.


Analyzing the job description and taking what I  have learned from instructor observations will help me with a better understanding of the key areas that I need to look for when interviewing for an instructor. Being able to map out areas of focus and using KSAO's will also help.

KSAOs are a great idea to help organize what kind of person I am looking to hire. I need to create a list which I never thought of it till this section of the training. Having a list and following the list is a perfect idea. 

Performing a job analysis and looking for KSAOs is an essential place to start when hiring an instructor.


KSAOs help better organize the thought process involved in hiring an individual for an open position. I think it can also be used when doing annual performance evaluations. 

Using Ksao's and incumbent observations are all good Interviewing techniques. They will really help find the right person.


KSAOs are important and need to be studied most closely! Without them it would hard to nail down some of the stracutural components whether its training and interviewing. 

A thorough and accurate job analysis will save you time by guiding the instructor hiring and training process. 

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