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Trying to "make the connection ", I need to find some common interests with the students to them feel more at ease during the admission process. 


body language, attitude, people skills sales, product knowlege

The 4 skills to communicating is body languarge, attitude, people skills and product knowledge. Knowing what my strengths are in these areas will help me to communicte better and to strengthen in the areas I need to do better in.

People skills make up the 25% of success in connecting effectively with students. It is important to read people, use eye contact, good posture, open body language and mirroring the students voice/ body language. 

Having a connection with the students is the most important thing. 

I am horrible with names, but I can certainly understand how stating someone's name is personable and builds trust. I will use reframing in my everyday conversations. 

Reframing is a great way to change narrative and change a negative situation to a positive. 


How to built storng realtions with me students. 

I have learned to be more receptive to observations that i used to brush off while conversing with others.

I came to understand the understanding the hierarchy of communication and the skills to incorporate in oour daily interactions. 

Attitude, people skills, sales skills and product knowledge are tools we can use to connect with people effectively. 

Mirroring makes so much sense but I never really thought about it.

I think my biggest takeaway are going to be the reading other body language as I feel it is such an essential part of listening.

Context reframing allows you to change the perception of a situation. By taking the negative experience and reframing it in a way to allow the students to see underlying opportunities.

Your pitch and tone can affect the impact of your message 

Reframing can help others overcome limiting beliefs.


Mirroring body language, you can test to see if you have rapport with other people by changing your posture or moving a part of your body and see if they do the same thing in return.

I learned how to apply match, pace, lead,

Once  that we have applied all the methods of communication, its principles, and what listening approach should we apply, that is the time we make a connection with our clients. This leads to quality service and high rates of producing a high number of enrollees.

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