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Collaboration creates team efforts into results.


Collaboration trumps competitiveness any day


I really liked Principle 5, even though I know it's hard for us humans to admit fault or when we've made a mistake. Leading by example is easier said than done but it is a great way to demonstrate integrity-which is necessary when working with students in higher education. 

colaborations keys are great tools for the workplace.


Teamwork is working together and sharing all the responsibilties to get the job done.

principles of collaboration can be very helpful.

Collaboration looks different for each individual. Learning and understanding those differences can assist in better working as a team. 

It is important to collaborate with your team members to determine the best methods for achieving the common goal of the project. Stay open minded, stay positive, empower your team members, set goals, share best practices and failures to improve, and stay focused. Communication is key.


Remembering that people are the root of collaboration would help keep you centered when trying to create collaboration with others

I strongly think that working with others is the best think.

Conflict can also be productive

Looking for improvement opportunities and taking initiative to make things better are two crucial things I learned in the process of collaboration. I hope to use this by taking initiative when I see an issue arise that I see an opportunity for improvement. 

Being Collaborative will help the students and colleagues at work to come up with a positive decision and solution towards a certain situation.

Comment on Jenny Hardin's post: It is important to be able to be open minded when solving situations. Understanding every ones point of view is important to make a decision that can affect or impact all in a positive or negative way. 

Understnading how to Colloborate and to ensure virepoints are respected and voices are heard are critical to success. 

Team work and be open minded is the key to goo collaboration.

Collaboration is all about us, understanding each other and supporting each other. It is ok to have different point of view, we need to have an open minded and collaborate with each other and find solutions to problems, processes, etc. The goal is to make things better for our students. Try new ways of doing things.


I think that by using the 5 principles it can keep our team on track with one another to accomplish at a higher level.

conflict can be a good thing . 

It is important to have open communication and feel safe to express your thoughts to your coworkers

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