I think that clarifying my questions as well as showing that I am an active listener will help me build stronger rapport with my students. As well as clarifying information, this will be the key to a more successful relationship.
I belive that clarification of a questions and reframing are methods that help develop trust between the rep and the prosective student, as well as establish trust and open lines of communication. It is communication that is guided within respectful boundaries.
There are tons of method when asking questions. Utilize framing and reframing, softener, past, present and future sequencing. Avoid falling into traps in questioning. Talk less/listen more, slow down and clarify information.
I have learned how not to fall into traps of bad questioning and poor listening. It is best to take your time and demonstrate that you are genuinely interested in what the other person has to say.
Reframing questions can provide clarity when individuals are not fully understanding the request. It reduces the chances of misunderstaning.
My most significant take away from this section is that in a conversation if you slow down and talk less you can actually set the conversation up to be more productive and informal.
I appreciate the section regarding "reframing" a question", which I practice almost daily...I am a firm believer of KISS, as best as possible.
I've learned the importance of the sequencing of questions, the various "traps" in conversation that i should avoid, and other importnat techniques. I intended to apply all of these lessons into my day to day work.