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We have the responsibilty to protect our students by not letting their personal information out in any way shape or form. We have to be very careful that when using student files we protect them and  be accountable for them .



FERPA  laws are very important for all faculty especially to know how to safeguard the student's records. 


Just good to no what is ok an whats not. Alot of good info to have!

FERPA meant to protect student and their records. The student can file a complaint within 180 days.

Like many are saying, err on the side of safety. Protect student privacy. In other words, be a responsible educator.


I learned the rights of students to see there records and also the rights of the instution

I've learnt a lot.  maintenance of confidentiality  of student records is paramount. 


I found it helpful to learn exactly what qualifies as an Educational Record and what does not qualify as an Educational record.  Like some others here I found it ineresting that the Sole Possession notes don't qualify as a confidential Educational Record.  Also that a school official may not actually be employed by the school.


I found it helpful to learn exactly what qualifies as an Educational Record and what does not qualify as an Educational record.  Like some others here I found it ineresting that the Sole Possession notes don't qualify as a confidential Educational Record.  Also that a school official may not actually be employed by the school.

FERPA allows a student to view their records within 45 days of request and allows them the opportunity to contest anything in the document that he/she believes is inaccurate. 

All FERPA covered information should have very limited access and not be released untill all permissions are met.

I learned that personal notes on a student that are in my sole possession are not considered part of the student's academic record. However, if these notes are shared with/transferred to another school official/representative, that information is no longer consided to be "sole possession" and then becomes part of their academic record.  At this point, the student has the right to read or review them.   The school has 45 days to provide access to any student who requests to view to their academic records.

I also learned that alumni records are not protected under FERPA.


FERPA is an important aspect of the protection of the privacy and students and we want, as educators to make sure that this is followed for each student.


FERPA is an important tool to follow while protecting students privacy and knowing when to intervene if there are questions regarding that 


One thing that I learned was that there are no specific definitoins in FERPA for a school official or even for legitimate educational interest. I found this quite intriuging because it is actually up to the institution to specify the criteria for determining who is considered a school official or what is considered legitimate educational interest. 


I am a director and wanted to ensure that I am following FERPA. 

I learned that there are personal identifiers for students that need to be protected and I need to be more aware of keeping these private.  I also need to manage student records and information with faculty on a need-to-know basis

This material is easy to relate to as a nursing faculty as we frequently discuss HIPAA and patient (privacy) rights. Similar rights apply to our students as well!

I work as a data scientist, and I am interested in how we can use information from a student record to build ML models that might help in predicting student success. What I've learned is that this data needs to be stripped of any personally identifiable information before it's used to train a model. This is good information and will help me organize my workflows.


Understanding the importance of privacy rights this day and time is critical in managing online requests. Taking proper precautions in setting up the ability to verify the identity of the requestor is important for the school or institution providing the records. 


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