It is important that a distinction is made between personal notes and notes shared as part of a student's official record.
It is important to remain informed about FERPA, because it is what protects students and staff members information and keeps them safe.
FERPA information is confidential. Ferpa is the HIPPA of student records
FERPA information is confidential. Ferpa is the HIPPA of student records
Since I have taken the FERPA course, I will try to apply the information that I have learned in the future.
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, commonly known as FERPA, is a federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records.
I will make sure that while I am tutoring students, I remember that information is confidential. I will do my best to protect their privacy and not tell other students the information that I know.
I've learned the importance of protecting student privacy and how notes can become academic record if they no longer meet the definition of "sole possession".
I really intend to ensure all privacy of my student education records are obeyed and adhered to according to the law
I have learned to make sure that all paperwork is confidential
FERPA is designed to protect the student as well as the administration. In order to protect the right's of both parties, continuously updating your knowledge on the matter is crucial. I plan on utilizing this information throughout my career in higher education.
FERPA is all new to me, so I learned quite a bit. I will use this information to better serve my students as an instructor.
FERPA honestly affects something as simple as contacting a student via phone if it's not a personal mobile number, because you could have a spouse unaware of the fact that their significant other is taking classes. Perhaps, there are valid reasons for that individual to want to keep their education private. So you can't just spout off information about the institution and reason for your call if leaving a message. Your working relationship with the student is essentially private information and should be treated as such -- whether that's calling at risk students about progress or refusing to discuss grades/ progress with a family member -- unless express permission was given.
I am very familiar with HIPAA but learned FERPA does not always result in a fine and that a student cannot demand their records and the institution has 45 days to get the student the records. The institution may charge for the records as long as the cost does not prohibit the student from obtaining them
FERPA education is important in keeping students information and records protected. Faculty staff has to be cautious in giving away information and if unsure we have to direct them to proper channels.
FERPA is much like HIPPA. Confidentiality is important at any level. Giving the student the right to review their record gives them the opportunity to own their own narrative.
As an instructor, my responsibility is to maintain privacy and discretion for all my students.
I learned about what FERPA is, a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. This particular law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. I believe that every faculty member in an education setting should be aware and learn of this law to ensure privacy among every student.
I think my biggest take away is that students have access to their information. Be mindful of what you put in their file.
It's important for educational institutions to be familiar with FERPA regulations and implement practices that ensure compliance while respecting the privacy rights of students and their families.