I learned that there are multiple organizations that can grant Accredidation. The accredidation bodies of Veterans Affairs, the Board of Nursing, Workforce, Vocational Rehab and of course the Flordia Commision for Independent Colleges. The module also shed light on being familiar with the being familiar with which credits are accepted by and transfer out of our institution.
Be sure to have the checklist available at all times in order to ensure nothing is missed.
proper preparation prevents poor performance
I have learned to make sure your catalog and enrollement agreement have up to date imformatiom concerning transfer of credit and accredidation imfromation
We learned the importance to use correct advertising for the prospective students
In this section I learned to get a list of the important web sites for keep up-to-date.
I have learned how to remain organized relationships within and outside the organizations.
I have learned how to better prepare my self and attend meetings, trainings to keep up to date with rules & regulations.
and how to be better and effective admissions representative.
I have learned the description of each department. The process that I must take into account in cases of credit or transfer. Differences between Licensing and Accreditation. I begin to apply it by reviewing and updating them informatively
Have a check list, assist meetings as well as having resources available.
The use of resource notebooks and checklists is vital
La importancia de mantener reuniones constantes, para actualizar conocimientos sobre la oferta académica.
it is important to be up to date and the methods provided were really helpful.
Make sure to maintain a binder with a checklist of items that may possibly need to be updated and to stay informed.
I have learned the description of each department.
I learned that this section can be compared to mobile devices - consistent updates are necessary to ensure the most accurate information is presented. Staying up-to-date and ontop of anticipated alterations can provide a strong advantage
This module contributed much to how about continuing to gain knowledge of various areas such as meetings with colleagues. Evaluate the same trade from another point of view and see how peers interact as a way of learning. Also to the importance of having knowledge about everything that are the licenses and accreditations that my institution has and the programs that they offer in order to carry out a successful orientation to my prospect both for him and for mine.
This module contributed much to how about continuing to gain knowledge of various areas such as meetings with colleagues. Evaluate the same trade from another point of view and see how peers interact as a way of learning. Also to the importance of having knowledge about everything that are the licenses and accreditations that my institution has and the programs that they offer in order to carry out a successful orientation to my prospect both for him and for mine.
it is important for us in admissions to stay up to date with the ongoing changes so we know how to communicate it forward
This module teaches the importance of note taking, transfer of credits and gather all the information during training and meetings to help you become sucessful as an admissions representative.