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It was a great training. It confirmed how good I was managing and applying my experienced as a Educator. However learn another way how to handling angry and fustrate students.  This course provided an excellent guide and information.  The instructinal design of the course was very supportive and engaging.

This was a terrific course for an instructor to begin their career with or for an instructor with years of experience to compare best practices with. I really enjoyed the informative modules and the way they were presented.

I thought this course was eerily spot-on; as a new instructor I have already had encournters with most of the "difficult" students and the classroom management strategies were highly helpful for me and I intend to use them. I have already realized tht the syllabus needs to be iron-clad for due dates, otherwise the students take advantage of loop holes. Overall , the course was very organized and well put together.

Course had alot of great tips to help deal with stress.  Pay attention to them and it can save you alot of time and money going to a therapist!!!!

I found the course to be organized and presented well.  I enjoy dealing with a diverse group of students.  The course strengthened my belief in how important it is to present the material clearly, treat each student as an special individual with a name, who is motivated and excited to be in class.  I have used many of methods presented in the course in my past teaching positions and it really makes a difference.

This was a great course because it brought together various pieces of information for me, which will enable me to have a better understanding of the makeup of an online course and techniques regarding communication with students, assessment and feedback and course analysis and improvments.

I enjoyed this course (ED104) and particularly enjoyed the videos from Harvard Business School.  Several ideas I think I will use in the near future include bringing in former students as guest speakers and the use of guided notes for reading assignments.

These courses are very helpful, in that they have  allowed me to  see some of my own inconsistencies, and to correct them accordingly.  It  has also helped me to place my own teaching techniques into a proper perspective. 





I really enjoyed this course. We have students with such a variety of learning styles and I try to incorporate as many methods to reach them as I can.

Much of the information was understood but the reminders were very helpful, especially in dealing with some of the more conflcted students. The tangible suggestions were helpful and I made more notes than expected!

I just completed ED104.  Having a secondary education degree, I found that I was already familiar with the topics discussed.  I think this was a good course to remind me of the things I learned in college and make sure I'm still using them as I'm teaching today.

Excellent learning opportunity.  I am sure students will beneifit as this will be transferred into the classroom.


this particular course has greatly stregnthen  my areas of weaknesses.  there are many important areas that I have been able to incorporate as an instructor.  

This course reinforced that the methods I have used with difficult students has been most appropriate. I am glad that my strategies were effective as they did prove so in outcome and result. I did learn that I need to pay more attention to those silent students and incorporate them more in class discussion without singling them out. Teaching Sociology, the course is very discussion based and not all students are comfortable participating. I learn about the student at the end through the personal perspective paper which is required for them to write for the course. I will try these methods using the panel and group presenttation which I have never used before. Hopefully the silent students will no longer be considered as such in future classes. 

This course confirmed what I knew about my classroom skills and management abilities. I too found the Harvard mini lectures informative and useful. There are so many variances to situations and examples that can occur in and out of the classroom that it would be difficult to include all of them. This course did a fairly good job of providing examples for a new instructor and some useful reminders for those of us who have been instructing for years.

I learned much more that I thought I would with this course.  It has been very helpful.

I found this course very helpful and interesting. I got a lot of good pointers from it.

This course was presented well and I felt that i learned alot.  There were some good suggestions for dealing with students who are difficult.  I never wanted to have to deal with that problem, but I wish I had this course completed before my last class.  That portion would have beena great help *laughs*


I find that I used a lot of the strategies already but it was good to find some I hadn't thought of before.  I will be applying some of what I learned almost immediately.  The paper airplane ice breaker sounds like a good time.  I cant wait to use that one.

This course was tremendously helpful not only for a beginning teacher but it was also a nice refresher for veteran teachers as well.

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