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How to keep your students interested

How to keep your students interested in class for topics that aren't very interesting. 

@reneestuedemann : I agree with you but something that is helpful when I do this is, divide them into mixed groups.  Put more experienced students and newer students together.  It helps to have diversity and other ways of looking at the subject.  It sometimes amazes me how other students can help point out the relevency in the subject.

I have incorporated more chairside procedures and more hands on work in the labs and this has been helpful in keeping their attention.

@reneestuedemann : I do the same thing they often feel they dont need to know the things we are teaching them. Once they understand how this will benefit them in the future there attitude changes and interest starts.

Can you embelish on this procedure a little more please. thank you! @bcostello :

@torber0818 :  I try to make the lesson fun, so it grabs their attention.

@torber0818 : Change gears, go into somthing eles, dont get hung up on one thing, move on there waiting to get somthing new.


 I have students research material and present it to the class so I do not have to stand up and lecture all of the time. Students learn better from each other.  I find that they ofter encourage each other and can relate with similiar circumstances.@torber0818 :

Keeping students engaged is essential to good classroom management.

I have found that sometimes students are not very interested in some topics because they do not understand how it relates to their future career. Once they understand the relevance, it becomes more meaningful and interesting.

I have broken students up into groups and had them outline parts of the chapter to present to the class. It was interesting to watch them try to engage their classmates while covering their topics. Also, it made them learn the information well enough to present it to the rest of the class.

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