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Improving Retention

I think positive works better. The students I think will never ask to repeat anything. I try asking questions and always say great job. I think this helps them feel better even when answer isn't correct.

Positive energy in the classroom is an important attribute. Students react to their environment and appreciate encouragement.

positive is way easier for the student than the negitive outlook conveying to them taht it can be done an how to acomplish it goes a long way

I agree. By constantly focusing on the positive the student has less time to focus on the negative things that will drag them down. Hearing something positive over and over again has an infectious way of affecting a persons outlook.

I like to reinforce students asking questions.
Some students have trouble speaking in large groups.
So they never raise a hand.

How do you handle that situation, Charles? If they don't raise their hand, how do you encourage them to ask questions?

There was a book written by Trent/Smally entitled "The Blessing". It unwrapped the importance of a father's positive blessing on his children. The same can be said for the importance of a teacher's "blessing" on his/her students. I tend to be negative in my speech but positive in my thought process. I have to constantly remind myself that what a student hears will help to formulate what he thinks about both me and my school. Its important for us to be positive in our speech.

Positive energy definitely has a powerful effect on outcomes. However, too much can become fake, which hurts their thoughts of you.

I believe we all do. when you are "happy" you tend to be more receptive to the things going on around you. Everything "seems" better.

Good point, David. Generally, the positive will have much more impact in shaping behavior than the negative.

How can positive energy, if genuine, become fake, Nathan?

Positive reinforcement always works. "What gets rewarded, gets repeated." Wasn't this a statement from last years in-service day?

I always try to go out of my way to commend the good students, reinforce the middle ground students, and encourage the students that struggle.

Quite true, James. Positive reinforcement is a strong motivator for most everyone.

Being positive cannot just be in the must be from the top down. Retention is an institutional issue not just a particular department issue.

I like to ask a general question which allows for group many think......

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