Building a program to ensure a smooth "hand off" from Admissions to Faculty is a critical component of student retention. We must remember that every student that enrolled, did so because they are not happy with current position in life.
We have to remember to be "customer obsessed". The students should take priority and be made to feel like one, not just in words but with our actions.
As someone new to this industry, it helped me gain better understanding of what students expect, and how we can help them achieve their goals.
Learned about the retention value equation: Retention= Perceived Value /Cost (time or financial)
It is very important to stablish a professional relationship with your students and a professional trust, students will come to you as an instructor for advise.
Students are our customers, and they ought to be taught by knowledgeable instructors. In order to retain students, we have to try different teaching methods.
This is very informative and should be helpful in preventative of withdraws as well as why it is important to maintain a consistant checks and balances of programs
I've learned that making sure all staff are on the same page, ready to help our students be successful is very important to the retention of our programs.
Students are interested in the return on their investment.
We learned that orientation and first-week activities play a crucial role in shaping student's expectations and fostering a sense of connection to the institution. Students expect clear communication, support, and a welcoming environment that helps them transition into their academic lives.
To apply this, we would ensure that orientation programs are interactive and tailored to address the student's concerns.
We need to integrate students in the new student's orientations, especially for graduate students.