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Keeping Track

It's vital to keep a notebook, so that you are current on all information.

This is what we do for a living

So we definitely should use a strong sense of integrity in our day to day operations etc. Don't lie to kids, don't talk bad about other choices etc. Most of this is common sense if you are in this business for the right reasons. Helping people!!

Only so many hours in a day

We wear a lot of hats

Out of State compliance with Ohio?

How are the out of state schools regulated?

Today's Students

and the role of technology

Job Fair ettiquette

How does your school handle leads generated at job fairs? And, how do your employees behave? Do you observe an "ettiquette" regarding who you've spoken with as prospects?

Scope of the Representative's Role

In what ways is it permissible for Agents/Reps to participate in the placement assistance process?

Career Advising

So, just a board with job openings can be classified legally as a Career Advising Department? The school I am employed by has a full staffed department. We bring companies to our facilities to check out our training equipement and classrooms. We have interviewers from companies conduct interviews at our facilities. Our Career Advising Department is in-charge of setting up the interviews for students, including alumni, as well.


Why do some states require agent permits, but others do not? I work in PA, but my institution recruits in all of the bordering states.


agents have a good understanding of polocies and students having an better undestanding of policy and procedures

topic #1

I have the better understandment of what ohio offers and regulates for the process of admissions


I agree that the enrollment agreement has too may forms that I think could be consolidated. I think it would be much more expeditous if we can print the agreement with the students information already filled in the appropriate areas and then all they would need to do is read initial and sign.

Keeping an Even Playing Field

I believe it is very important to be respectful of other schools and not present false information about a competitor. The discussion should be kept about the school inquestion with the prospective student.

Organizing the Paperwork

Creating a Resource Notebook has been informative. Now I have a place to put updates. Also, I have a readily available source to which I can refer.

Regulatory Rules

I am learning more about regulatory rules by accessing the websites as well as better understanding the specific terminology.

agents requirements

I have a greater understanding of my role as an agent of the school as well as how my role affects the school and its reputation.

keeping up-to-date

I plan to ask different dept heads about any changes on a monthly basis.

Understanding your Institution

Staying current on new programs, requirements and outcomes will enhance the reputation of school


What should be kept in mind when coming in from a sales background? What should one becareful of?

Transfer of Credits...

I knew that policy addressed the transfer of credits into a school but I did not know it addresses transferred credits out of the school.