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Field Trip and observations of people working in the industry are a great tool to teaching and learning!


Much like video production, the planning or preproduction stage will make the process or making/shooting video much easier. The more you plan ahead the less obsticles you will encounter later. 


I learned about just how much properly organized and prepared courses can have a profound impact on the effectiveness of the course with students.


getting set up the day before with a checklist of things that need to be completed before the class time


I think preparing yourself is the most important topic before attempting to prepare the students. Having a great game plan and always being in control of the class gives structure and what is expected during class lectures.

I haved learned that there is more then just one way to teach. First you must learn who you really are, and then decide which method of teaching best fits you.  Learn from other Instructors  their ways of teaching and apply some of their qualities to your teachings. Always lead by example and watch and understand your students to be able to aproach them correctly.

Being organizd  greeting my students evryday will let them feel secure and confident that i have the knoledge and skills to teach

Doing more reflection on what my personality/teaching style is and how to reach each student. 

Having guest speakers will allow for students to ask curious questions about related fields of study.


I believe instructional content quality should be a top priority and organization should be displayed on a daily basis. This will keep students engaged and motivated throughout the semester.

To inspire others, one must bring them on the journey with you while teaching.  Expressing interest in others' lives will help with engaging them while teaching.

The first key to classroom management is "Know thyself." With awareness of your own personality, you can play to your strengths and practice on your weaknesses, while also recognizing the instructional roles that are a best fit for you. You must also know your students—their backgrounds and demographics, as well as their knowledge and experience levels in the subject. Finally, preparation and organization are key to ensuring student's attentions are properly focused, guest speakers and field trips are productive, and the classroom operates in harmony for the best outcomes.

Being authentic and geniuine with your students allows them to see you and your personality type. It is also important to consider the personality types of your students when planning your course activities.


Inviting previous graduates as guest speakers to share their experience with the class. 


This course is teaching me the importance of being prepared to teach. 

Some students represent the string section and others reflect the loud noise of the percussion section. Hear each individual student while blending the entire class together to produce a beautiful sound. This beautiful sound is achieved when the class achieves its common goals.


La organización y preparación de la enseñanza es vital tanto para el profesor como para el estudiante.  Se necesita saber temas, preparar materiales, ejemplos propios del curso y materiales suplementarios que faciliten lo dado, y discutido en clase: pero esencialmente en cursos especializados de programación.  Estos cursos requieren explicaciones sistemáticas materiales que faciliten parte del proceso de  enseñanza y el aprendizaje.


Set standards high for yourself and the students will se your effort. Be prepared and engage them to maximize the interaction.


There are several personality traits that benefit the classroom environment. One does not supercede another, however they do need to flow. The students feed off my energy and if I am low, they will inreturn match that.


I hadn't thought to make a diary of each time a teach a course to review what worked and what didn't. This would definately help me get more organized in my thought processes.




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