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Troubleshooting Instructional Strategies | Origin: ED105

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Instructional Planning for Student Success --> Troubleshooting Instructional Strategies

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changing the activity or doing a status assessment when students are restless/not engaged

Have a Plan B available at all times and being diligent about planning dailies focusing the student's ability to complete tasks

There were a lot of things that I learned in this module. First always need to have Plan B in place if Plan A doesn't work. Doing handouts and worksheets with students can be great tools for active engagement. Also, always break the lesson plan into learning units that are achievable!

Pivot! Watch how your students are responding to instruction. If they lack engagement, take a break and change things up. Do a formative assessment activity to see what is going on.


Be open to changing to plan B when A is not working. Watch your students and adapt your instructional information for your students when they become restless.

Being adaptable, within reason, is easy. But many students have been taught that they never need to up their own expectations of themselves. Being adaptable in the class and shop is neccessary for both the instructor and the students.


Evaluate each student to determine how you can teach class in order for fast learnes, quick listeners, and easy distracted students would be involved, in short words have a lesson plan intersting by changing how class material will be presented.

Flexibility seems to work for me.

  1. Adjust lecture based on visual feedback of students
  2. Have a Plan B, Plan C and Plan D
  3. Surveys mid-term or sooner, depends on the difficulty and makeup of the of the students
  4. Pre-tests or relaxed discussion engaging students during orientation


Divide the class into groups and have them work on case studies. 

Having plan B if things seem to be getting out of hand,  Changing direction or giving case studies to allow students to see what they may still need to know 

I like the idea of having a plan B in place and re-directing the students attention by changing their activities.  Also, I like the tip about giving the students a pretest to get to know how I should set up the instruction and learning material.

yes variance in the delivery or having multiple plans s great idea, also using student and administration to help unprepared students is critical also.

Not to overwhelm students with too much information,be empathetic to their learning abilities so they can grasp and apply the information.manage class structure and timing.Use diffent methodology to engage students learning outcomes.


I like the idea of giving students with inadequate backgrounds a pre test that is fun for students yet it will generate a theme for common problem areas which can be adjusted

Don’t assume that all your students have the same abilities or prerequisites.r  Pay attention to the students participation and attentiveness.  Always have a plan B or be able to “shake it up”.

Assessing your students and changing pace as needed.

Status assesment, Plna B, pretests are helpful ideas.

Having a Plan B is great and also redirecting the students would be essential to teaching especially when the students need it.

If and when students get distracted, it is helpful to redirect them to a new activty to ensure they remain engaged.

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