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I love adding support materials in class.  Using technology to create works of media is what my program is all about and it is great to be able to introduce real-life projects that support what the students are learning.


El preceso de un constante avaluo ayuda a estar consciente de cuál es el desempeño de los estudianmtes, y así poder dar apollo específico.

El material de apoyo es de suma importancia para el avaluo, ya que ofrece más alternativas para conocer sobre el desempeño de los estudiantes.


Mientras más recursos, mejor enseñanza.


La tecnologia del siglo XXI es una que ofrece múltiples recursos para la enseñanza.

Notes help you alot.

Very important that you keep your self up to date with technology and that lesson plans along with delivery is up to date aswell or you'll lose your audience or may become bored.

stay up to date to new and latest technological advances, change in the demographics of the class and how you can help the students understand class content as clear as possible 

Instructor should always have supporting material for class content. The best is previous experinece in the field of study 

This lesson helped me look at technology integration into my lessons and how to make the most of the e-learning environment I've found myself in.


Backward planning lesson plans are a good way of ensuring objectives are properly identified. 


It is important to stay abreast of the latest technology as an instructor becuase it can enhance your course as well as your teaching style. Many careers also use a plethora of applications and resources to provide products so allowing students to see the use in the classroom will allow them to understand how they are used in the real world.

To stay update on technologies and how they can be integrated to support learning.

My course is only offered twice a year, so i will need to be diligent about reviewing my notes, AArs, supplemental material, outside resources checklists to make sure nothing is forgotten or overlooked

I learned how important it is for you to know the objectives of the course you are teaching and how you can reverse engineer your lesson plans to make sure each lesson can assure the students learn the objectives of the class. 



Add technology to a course... trust me it helps with learning... checks on learning.  


I liked the fact that we need to keep in mind the rationale of including different forms of support materials and activities, rather than just including them because you can. With short term courses (4 week long), it is important to have engaging activities, but we need to justify adding them, not just so we can have them there.


As instructors we need to keep up with the current technologies so we can utilize what is being used in the modern schools. It is also a way for us to connect with our various students.

I agree the learning process is ongoing for an instructor and by creating lesson plans and taking notes will help to guide the course. 


I guess I'm just suprised that in 2022 we are still talking so much about lecture as a typical classroom procedure. Lecturing to students is a passive experience, even with guided notes. There are so many other ways to engage students in learning activities. If you have to lecture, do it for a few minutes, then let students turn and talk or do a hands-on activity. 

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