Good point and this is why it is so important to have a good first impression. It is the foundation upon which the course builds.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I wish you much success with your first class meeting. It is going to go well I can tell from your comments because you have planned well and understand your role as a learning leader, model and human being. Relax with your students and have fun with the introductions and an ice breaker. When these two items are completed you will be surprised at how comfortable you feel and you will be ready to move on to the course requirements.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
It sets the tone for the entire course. It will make the students confident in what they can learn from you and allow them to see you as the class expert and leader.
Next Monday will be my very first - first class. It will be the first time I get to make a first impression on a class of students I'm teaching. Making this meeting a positive experience seems to be one of the most important parts of instructing this course successfully. My class meets four nights a week for five hours each meeting. Therefore, I will have a lot to go over that first night. I hope that my comprehensive planning and detailed checklist, that I've been working so hard on, don't become my only focus. I need to make sure I remember that I am a human and not just some robot conveying information. I've observed and read that the combination of teaching and being the person you are is what leaves the best impressions (it also creates a great learning environment). If I can accomplish this the first night it will hopefully set the tone and direction for the remainder of our classes.
Making a good first impression will set the standard for the class. Students will gain respect for the instructor and take their learning seriously.
You make a good point about the value of making a good impression. Yes students do talk and share their perspective in relation to how they see you as an instructor. This is why instructors need to always model professional behavior, dress, language and conduct so they will be perceived as being dedicated learning leaders.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
First impressions are important as it sets the tone for the term. This is especially important in 10 week or shorter terms. The faster the instructor builds a good relationship with the student's the easier it is to dive into the course content. Student's talk amongst each other and immediately an instructor has a reputation. Instructor's need to set a good impression so it will enable them to have a smooth running term as well as build positive energy for the duration of the course.
Like the way you open a new course. A positive first impression forms the foundation upon which the rest of the course is built so it needs to be a good one. By letting the students know it is up to them in terms of their outcomes and that they are in control of their success you are establishing accountability from the first meeting. That is a good impression for them to leave the class with.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
We only have once chance to make a first impression. The first day we meet our class, both the instructor and the students are anxious about what to expect.
It is our job as the leaders of the classroom to channel all this energy into something productive. I believe one most be prepared to accommodate different personalities and styles of learning with our class syllabus. I'm always confident when addressing the class and presenting what I expect them to do/learn during our time together. Also, I try to engage them into what do THEY expect from this class. Always making the classroom environment approachable and safe for the students so the classes feel more like a conversation and debate between my students and myself instead of a long winged monologue, where most of the times, we loose they attention.
Yes it does and this is why it is so important to be prepared and ready to start the new course off in a positive way.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Well, it sets the tone for the class ambience and sets your position in the eyes of the students as a person who is approachable, professional, trust worthy, and knowledgable. Also shows them what demeanor you expect from them.
One is to be early to class and sharing a supportive word with students as they come into class. You can compliment students individually for their work, questions, contributions, etc.. This is a powerful way to motivate them. Another is to recognize their effort via a personal message on their projects or evaluations. Receiving these comments helps them to see that they are progressing in the course and are being successful.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Thank you for these comments about making a positive first impression. Your description of the value of a good first impression is right on target in that it will yield benefits for the duration of the course.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Impression formation can mean a lot when it comes to the first class. Research shows that when people meet they will tend to remember that first impression when they meet in the future. In other words, a class will remember the first class when approaching other classes. If the instructor makes a good impression the students will tend to remember that even if the instructor has a bad class in the future. The students will likely feel the instructor is just having a poor class. The opposite is also true. If an instructor has a poor first class for whatever reason, the students will tend to remember that first impression even though the instructor has better days.
The first impression is the foundation upon which your status as a learning leader is built. You are right on with your comments about it needing to be a good one. This is how you start to earn the respect of your students.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
You are setting the tone for the whole course. It is important to be very positive and upbeat, so that your enthusiasm for the subject matter and their learning becomes infectious.
You only get one chance to make a positive first impression. If you arrive late, unprepared, the classroom is a mess, etc. it sets an improper stage for learning.
A positive first impression means so much in the teaching environment. If students feel intimidated, uncomfortable, or in any way compromised - they will shut down to what the teacher has to offer. Just as with every situation in life, a positive first impression is everything! An experienced teacher will always strive to create that positive environment on day 1 and throughout.
A positive first impression is very important because the average person always remember their first impression rather it is good or bad. So it will benefit the instructor as well as the student to have a positive
first impression so it will allow room for the relations between the instructor and student to grow fundamentally.