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Yes, it will. First class meetings are for me a fun time to get to know students and help them to get to know their classmates. We do introductions and ice breakers and share some laughs together. This gets everybody settled into the course and looking forward to future class sessions.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

It sets the tone for the entire semester. It establishes expectations.

So true and it is so much easier to build upon a positive impression rather than trying to correct a negative one.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I will after introducing myself give them my own personal story of how I got my start in the field. How if I was able to overcome they can as well.

Positive first impression is always so important. Being on time, speaking in a professional manner, wearing appropriate clothes, etc. It will set the tone for the remainder of the class.

This is good information for students to have so they can see that they have in their instructor a person that has both knowledge and experience. This establishes you as the learning leader and as a result the students will be looking to you as you share with them.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Well said and so important. This is what a first class meeting should be about.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Because it is impossible to to make another one. A student may decide in the first meeting and impression whether or not they will stay in your class or take you seriously.

Well said and a key point to remember when preparing for that first class meeting.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

We focus on "First Day" to make the best impression possible. "First Day" is the first day of class for the term. This is our day as academic leaders to show our students who we are, what we care about, and how we are there to help them succeed. Both image and substance are key. The appearance of the facility, classroom, and instructor (image) and what and how we deliver the content (presentation, delivery, syllabus, lesson). Start on time, end on time, learn names, "hook" the learner -- let them leave the class eager to return!

Like your plan and way you get students settled into a new course. The results of these efforts I know give students a feeling that they are appreciated and planned for as they strive for success in the course.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I greet my students one by one, and display my passion for the subject with lively discussion. I let them know I am accessible for any questions or problems and tell them what I expect of them in order to be successful.

I sit in the class as a student and they have no idea that I'm the professor. I observe the class and their social behaviors while I'm incognito. I successfully get their attention when I reveal who I am. This exercise allows everyone to loosen up and know this is going to be an interesting class.

It is important because how you begin a class will be how you end the class. A positive first impression sets the tone for the class. This also sets the students at ease.

Great work in setting a supportive tone for the class. By demonstrating your passion for your field and bringing enthusiasm for teaching about it to class each time you are a role model for the students and they will catch your excitement.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Great way to open a new course. Your observations and interactions with the students gives you insight that will be so valuable as you plan your instructional delivery.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

So true. The first impression is the foundation upon which you build the rest of the class so it needs to be a good one. When the students leave the first class they should be excited about and looking forward to the up coming class sessions.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Making a positive first impression is very important when starting a new class. The first image, presentation, communication is the start of how the students will be motivated about the instructor and class.

Making a first impression is very important. Students are looking to see if their instructor is one who will follow the campus rules or if they will let the students do whatever. If you come to the class prepared, explain to the students all of the expectations there is no gray area of what is expected from them, what they expect from you as the instructor. You have set the mood for the entire term.


Well put and this is such an important way to start a new course. This shows the students the standards you are going to expect from them. Having fun with ice breakers and introductions lets them get settled into the class and then you can review policies and expectations which shows them what they will need to do in order to be successful.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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