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Active Learning

Active learning should be incorporated along with an instructor’s lecture. Active learning will engage the student in class activities such as discussions, group projects, and hands-on activities that will enhance the student’s knowledge of a topic.

Good point! I will also discuss popular culture as a way of helping students learn. Students gravitate toward technology and cultural references seemingly well.

I will also give examples and discuss hypothetical scenarios for students to "synthesize" and "apply" their knowledge. The underlying goal behind my instructional presentation is utilizing Bloom and his contemporary Fink in the classroom environment in an effort to create a learner-centered culture.

Active learning the hallmark of andragogy, which was also utilized by Dewey in his "laboratory school" environments. Knowles, as well as Kidd discuss this important topic toward classroom engagement.

Good way to personalize the information to your students. By asking a question like this you get them to thinking about their own life experiences and how they relate to the topic being discussed.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

My style is that after explaining the topic I ask my students about related diseases to the topic in their families and what did they observed in them and what kind of treatment they got. This way they can correlate with the material they have covered in class.

My style of teaching is to incorporate relavent projects with my lectures - so the students are working as I am giving information that makes sense. The projects are real world projects as well - it helps them realize the importance and application.

This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing it with us. I am sure this will be of great help to other instructors looking for a way to incorporate technology into their classrooms.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

One thing i do to practice active learning in the day and age of smart phones is give students a question and 10 minutes to use their phones to research. Then they have to do a 2 minutes presentation on what they find.

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