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Life long learning is a forever thing and the more we learn or know makes us more productive in life and in the workplace.

Self management and other lifelong learning skills are integral to professional growth

Lifelong learners are also likely to be adaptable, familiar with innovation, and open to new challenges. 

Lifelong learning is an important element to keep abreast of current advances, technology, and changes in our ever-changing world.

Cyber learning is becoming a more important part of education that ever before and it needs to be integrated into the classroom experience as appropriate.


Collaboration between cohorts fosters a lifelong learning atmosphere where everyone keeps in contact and continues to learn from each other.

I loved this quote: "...success is the ability to cope with the challenges one meets and to progress in one's chosen field or area of responsibility (Beller, M., & Or, E.)."  I look forward to introducing this quote to my learners and movitate them to learn beyond my classroom.

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