Approaching the class and learning environment from a holistic standpoint, we can seek to better understand the learning preferences, learning challenges, and learing needs of our students.
Knowing the students you can determinate what preferences of learnings they have as well what challenges in the learning process they start having and in that way we can not only establish different ways to teach but we can help students who are strugling learning a concept for example.
Portfolios are a very useful tool that help not only the instructor but the learned to see the progress they are having through the instructional academic year.
There are other ways to test student knowledge of the subject and not just paper/pencil or computer testing. Also students can use different ways to learn with different learning styles.
Learning preferences are important for the instructor to realize and it helps to have different types of assessments to play on students'preferred way of learning. Learning challenges need support and accommodations, and instructors must respond to those on an individual level.
I think everyone has different learning styles they prefer, but to best serve the class as a whole, it is important to implement different teaching styles during class.
Being inclusive to all forms of learning preferences can help overcome learning challenges.
holistic approaches are really valuable
This module taught me about the learning challenges and preferences of diverse student populations.
All tests should have a holistic approach
Assessment is necessary to see the start of a class and where the students came from and knowledge they have.
Learning preferences and learning challenges are important to teaching. Knowing the difference can help your students succeed in school.
I understand that we must be flexible to testing and checking to make sure our students have learned what they need to know. I do support holistic methods as well as standardized testing, but in reality, it really depends on the subject matter. Some people don't respond to written tests or quizzes, but if you present a public 'review' of material in an interactive, entertaining way (i.e. like a 'Game Show Quiz), you should accomplish the same goal.
We are better institutions of higher learning when we encourage inclusive excellence
This module reviews the difference of learning styles (a preference of the ways someone likes to learn), and learning challenges (a barrier that may exist for a learner, including a disability). By using inclusive practices within the instruction, all students will be able to access the learning materials. The module stresses the importance of using holistic assessment to capture students' learning through rubrics and opportunities to demonstrate learning within a portfolio.
Learning preferences are the way that a student can retain information.
Offer a variety of learning materials and resources that cater to different learning preferences to help with lessening learning challenges.
Every student has different learning style and different learning challenges. Teacher should be "inclusive" about teaching and assessment method.
It's important to cater to student strengths and give them a variety of ways to both learn and demonstrate their learning.
The central challenge is the processing of information, which is different for different students and has nothing to do with intelligence.
Every individual is different from other individuals in this world and every individual possess a different learning style