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Allow your students to feel wanted, secure, and accepted within your class and school. Simply acknowledge they are important to you.


Peel the layers back on the complexities of the lives of many of our kids so I can better meet them where they're at. Opportunity in and of itself is not enough to pull many of them in so I have to be diligent in forging strong relationships that will open doors, minds, and opportunities. 


I have learned that teachers need to be open minded, be curious, and be knowledgable. We need to be mindful of all our students and their families. We also need to realize that each student has their own "story" and background. 

Include everyone.  Regardless of any surface differences we share many of the same goals.

Cultural compenency to me is an attitude of acceptance, and by recognizing differences among students you may then capitalize on it to improve learning.


cultural compentency helps us relate with the students more and allows us to build rapport with the students


I like the idea of sharing my personal narrative with my students will build a connection with my students.


to treat people with respect to value their input and acknowledge and encourage participation

they are all important and should feel so. My goal is to share my  knowledge with  them the best way possible 

I learned things I already knew about myself. I do have unconscious bias and have tracked where it originated.  Where? family, environment, societal norms.  I identified a bias a couple of years ago while driving on a street. I saw a woman look like of Mexican descnce with a stroller (two kids in it), two kids walking and one in the belly.  My first thought at a glance was anchor babies, and using the system with the children.  Before I could complete that thought another thought popped up.  Why did I go there? Why did I go negative? 

I then said out loud is this how unconscious bias happens. I t thought about why didn't I say how nice it is for a mother to be at home with her children.  Why not consider if it was a care provider for children?  Why not consider based on her culture she may be a stay at home mom based on her Catholoic background and the role of the man being the provider. 


I quickly shared this aha moment with my students as I share it with you.  The beginning of cultural competence from my perspective is the self-reflection of your own bias toward others.  I immediately ask for forgiveness from my Lord as that woman was also a daughter of the most high.


I have always treated every student as an individual and have respected their cultures and language. Every student is a precious human being. I worked in the field 40+ years and I have always not allowed my biases to interfere with my patient care and so it is as an Instructor. Every student has a right to be successful and it is my job to get them there. My record proves that this is so. 


Being reflective and aware of our own biases is a start.


I can reach almost any student by meeting them exactly where they are. Not assuming to know where they are. But allowing them to tell me, through presence, attention and care, where they are and what their needs are. 

If i can interupt my assumptions and be aware of the needs of all my students, I can begin to find new ways to instruct succefully.


I am working to understand my own cultural lens and how my identity and experiences align to and stand in contrast with the students I serve. As a member of the dominant culture, I have many blind spots and limited perspectives. I must seek ways to better understand the lived experiences of my students and the ways in which their various identities impact the experience they have in my classroom.

Being culturally competent means first knowing who I am: knowing my assumptions and beliefs; and my value which in turn allows me to value others in a manner that is equal or greater to my value.


It is important to creat a safe space where everyone will feel comfortable being themselves


What I learned and wil use in my class is My Personal Mission Statement


Interesing how you can apply EQ to increase cultural awareness as well, and reflection at the end of the classroom great way to evalaute if you met individual student needs.

I want my students to know that I care about them and that I am there to help all of them succeed. 

I liked the course, it helps to reflect upon yourself.


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